This Girl is So Lost – IOTW Report

This Girl is So Lost


Greta Thunberg has sparked outrage after a video surfaced in which the sometime climate activist turned anti-Israel campaigner is heard laughing and chorusing “F**k Germany, F**k Israel!” at a pro-Palestine rally.

She was appearing as a speaker in the south-western German city of Mannheim on Friday at a pro-Palestinian event organized by the group Zaytouna in the Rhine-Neckar region, DPA reports.

The rally was held in the city’s main market square and included a discussion focused on “solidarity with Palestine and the climate movement.” more

27 Comments on This Girl is So Lost

  1. She’s not “lost” in the sense of not knowing where she it.
    She’s “lost” in the sense that Satan has her and will fight to keep her.

    I wonder if her skin excretes venom like other poison toads do?

  2. I had hopes that we had seen the last of this wretched narcissistic little poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome beast, once her Golbal Warming schtick had played out. But, hell no, along comes the sequel.

  3. Okay, so they took a semi-retarded girl, taught her a few lines, and made her a media sensation. The idiot has never had an original thought of her own; she just regurgitates whatever her red-diaper parents tell her to. She is just a left-wing mouth piece who may or may not even comprehend what she’s whinging about this week.

    She is, and always has been a child tool being used by adults with an agenda. Just like the woke 2 year olds who tell us, (on Tik-Tok) that Republican misogyny has them worried about their ability to have an abortion.

    Don’t hate her, hate the puppet-masters that have abused this unfortunate young lady.

  4. I dare her to go to Gaza and fight for the HazMatis or whatever the current anti-Israel terror group is called.

    And I suggest she try and stop some Israeli dozers or tanks. That’ll fix her.

  5. Let me think. Climate change has what to do with Germany and Israel? Other than they are both acknowledged countries. Is she saying Hamas or Hezbollah are better? Wait, let me think. Neither is a country. Palestine? OK, I do not recognize that country, and will have the argument.
    Overall, WTF is she supporting?

  6. @ RogerF SUNDAY, 8 DECEMBER 2024, 21:40 AT 9:40 PM

    Nothing. She knows who has been buttering her bread and will morph into whatever she thinks will keep her riding the gravy train. She is an opportunistic little shitbag who is completely without any values whatsoever. She no longer off limits due to her age, which if people would stop giving the left’s mouthpieces any consideration when they pull that shit, the shit pulling using that technique would go the way of the dinosaur.

  7. “Don’t hate her, hate the puppet-masters that have abused this unfortunate young lady.”

    She’s not a child any more – hate her all you want along with the puppet-masters.
    She’s a despicable POS who profits from fear-mongering and hate-mongering.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Germany and Israel should both declare Greta “persona non grata”, subject to arrest if she steps into either country.
    With today’s communications, she can just as easily spout her poison from home. And we can just as easily disrupt or turn off that same spout.

  9. I think she is a walking, talking statement against the Evil Left (democRATz) as example of what they will do, who they will use and to what depths they will sink to in order to accomplish their goals! These are despicable people and she is but one example.

  10. Her Marxist progressive elite parents are psychopaths. They used their mentally challenged daughter as a leftist agitator – it’s all she knows.

    Her parents are no different than jihadi who wrapped their developmentally disabled children in explosives and place them in a Jewish synagogue or market.

    It’s just taking longer for Greta to implode, which is inevitable. She will self-destruct if she’s not “reprogrammed” – so as an adult she can decide her own destiny and know the truth. She needs proper treatment for autism. At this rate, with her continued lunatic antics a change in her behavior is highly unlikely.

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