This guy lives next to a golf course… – IOTW Report

This guy lives next to a golf course…

and when people hit balls into his yard he lies down next to them and acts like he’s unconscious 😂

Tell me that man is not a legend in his people’s lives.

21 Comments on This guy lives next to a golf course…

  1. Some years ago, the wife and I (well, maybe just me) looked at a house on a golf course. One that had been for sale for quite some time was about 225 yards from the tee on the right side of the fairway.

    I don’t care how good you are at golf, at some point you are going to slice one off the tee – I saw Tiger Woods do this one year at Torrey Pines. And with the slice, it’s going to end up about 225 yards down the fairway either out of bounds or in someone’s yard. Don’t buy a house on a fairway.

  2. OT – HELP!!! – Where did I see recently the truth about Covid death numbers being around 10,000 rather than 200,000? Someone has asked me for proof and I can’t remember where I saw the breakdown numbers.
    I know on twitter or a blog someone laid it out. Can anyone here recall?

  3. I’ve never thought of this one.
    Does it work better than the lost puppy or candy in my pocket for the average felon/ pervert/ ambulance chasing democrat?
    They would have to be a trust fund democrat like a Kennedy or Soros to afford a house on a golf course.

  4. Gladys:

    The Real Number of Deaths Caused by COVID-19 According to the CDC ~ August 30, 2020

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website; Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics – Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19),

    disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned. Out of the 161,392 deaths credited to COVID-19 in the CDC data, just six percent, or about 9,700 deaths, were attributed to the coronavirus alone. According to the CDC, the other 94 percent had an average of 2.6 additional conditions or causes of deaths, such as heart disease, diabetes, and sepsis, all of which are serious health threats that cause far more deaths than COVID-19.

    From the CDC and Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA):
    • About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year
    • In 2017, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States…there were 270,702 deaths with diabetes listed as the underlying or contributing cause of death (crude rate, 83.1 per 100,000 persons).
    • Of the 173,690 patients with sepsis in study hospitals in 2014, 94,956 (54.7%) required ICU care during hospitalization, 27,502 (15.8%) had septic shock, 26,061 (15.0%) died in the hospital, and 10,731 (6.2%) were discharged to hospice (Table 2).

  5. Gladys – Here s the CDC page hard to decipher. One thing to note is, if Covid-19 is the cause of death – Life Insurance doesn’t pay – “Pandemic Clause”.
    The table at the bottom of the page shows 179,927, list Covid as cause of death.
    If they were standard $50k policies, that would be $8,996,350,000.

  6. I sliced one off of the Tee Box on Hole # 7 of the Eureka Public Golf Course

    (Eureka, Illinois) and as I drove My Cart over the Hill towards it…There was

    a Dude on the ground…With another Dude holding His Shoulder…I thought…

    Uh oh…I just killed somebody (again 😉 ) But They were working on a

    Sprinkler System…Heart Palpitations!!!!!

    It’s always smart to carry different brands of Balls in Your Bag…

    “He was killed by a Titleist? I’m (rummaging through Bag) shooting Slazengers”

  7. I was 10, it was 1963 and living in Ephrata, Washington, a friend I had just gotten out of a Saturday early evening day at the movies at the the Lee Theater in downtown Ephrata after watching a double feature of scary horror movies. Since I live across the street from the city graveyard we decided to take a shortcut home across the graveyard after dark and on the way back my friend decided to prank me by falling down and making like a hand was coming up out of a grave and yelling bloody murder. He scared the snot out of me and caused me to run real fast the rest of the way home in a panic all the while he was laughing his ass off and calling me a scaredy cat and worse thinking he was being real funny. I was probably swearing at him as well for being such a jerk and made it home. And I was the one who his mom thought I was the more of a bad influence on him than he was to me. I became a local pariah and I was supposedly the bad kid to other other mothers who wouldn’t let me play with their kids after that. Thank God we only lived there for 3 years before moving back to Spokane in 1964.

  8. My friend hit a rope on a blind tee shot over a small hill. When we got to the crest there was a guy on the ground and he was being worked on. He was only 150 yards from the tee box. We figured he killed him. My friend went ashen, as if he saw his life go up in flames.
    When we got closer we could see he had a leg cramp.

  9. Some guys were clearing the green at a small muni in Denver and I crushed a 5 wood but it hooked slightly….Hit a guy square in the head and he dropped like a stone,,,,after they decided that I was remorseful and would fight them back if need be we went on….Had to follow that son of a bitch with an ice pack on his head for the rest of the round…..cost me at least 4 strokes from my guilt….he seemed to putt pretty good even with the ice pack taped on his melon….

  10. Yesterday I hit a shot through the top of the trees and thought it may have been heading towards the clubhouse (about 220 out), but my ball was getting knocked down all day by trees so I figured, nahh, the trees slowed it down. I said, under my breath, “fore…” and a few seconds later THUD right into the broadside of the clubhouse, someone yells back at me from the clubhouse “FORE!”

    I took a penalty and sheepishly moved on. I hadn’t been that embarrassed by a shot since several years ago a rogue slice landed directly on top of a Porsche parked in a driveway. Better than hitting a person, I guess…


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