‘This Is A Canary In A Coal Mine Moment’ – IOTW Report

‘This Is A Canary In A Coal Mine Moment’

Federalist Co-founder and Publisher Ben Domenech warned Wednesday that NBC News’ recent attempt to demonetize the publication on Google is just a preview of what is to come in the 21st century woke revolution.

“An NBC News reporter was working hand-in-globe with some leftist organization based in the United Kingdom trying to highlight problematic comments that were on our website posted by users — we don’t moderate our comment section and we never have — and using it to try to get us de-platformed from Google’s ad server,” Domenech explained.

NBC News reported Tuesday that its “verification unit” colluded with a left-wing British activist group to complain to Google about Federalist reporting, claiming the right-leaning website had been banned from profiting on Google ads for exposing legacy media’s lies about recent nationwide riots. Google released a statement Tuesday contradicting NBC’s reporting, claiming The Federalist had been warned it may be demonetized over content in its comment sections, which have since been temporarily disabled.

Yet “Google owns YouTube, whose comment section is notoriously toxic,” Domenech pointed out. more here

See Also:

Federalist Co-Founder Sean Davis Responds To NBC, Google Deplatforming Attempt.

Federalist Co-founder Sean Davis slammed legacy media Tuesday night after NBC News attempted to strip The Federalist of its Google ad revenue by collaborating with a left-wing British think tank to complain to the tech giant about Federalist reporting.

“NBC, the network that coddled Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer by the way, had partnered with a foreign left-wing group in Europe to go after us and to use Google,” Davis said on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

5 Comments on ‘This Is A Canary In A Coal Mine Moment’

  1. “Hey, what can we do to regain our credibility?”

    “I’ve got an idea. Let’s demonize everyone who disagrees with us. That shouldn’t be hard considering that the big tech companies are a place where never is heard a dissenting word and the sheep will all do as we say.”

  2. NBC was also colluding with someone at Google who apparently intimated what they were going to do.

    Then NBC jumped the gun by quizzing The Federalist about their reaction to something that hadn’t happened yet.

    So who is the Head of Making Censorship Happen at Google. Because Domenech did have a good point about The Federalist not being disappeared because they are large enough to be known. Plenty of smaller sites are dragged off to the gulag under the cover of darkness.

    I fully expect it to happen t ok this one at some point. They are holding The Federalist responsible for commenters on Disqus. They will come for everyone eventually unless they are trustbusted and regulated like a utility.

  3. The Federalist needs to double down on signing up independent advertisers!

    Ditto with ZeroHedge (although more than half the commenters there have “Moron” written on their foreheads). Their articles can be excellent.


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