Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) decision to resign from Congress at the end of October is “a victory for the crazies,” Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) said Friday.
Snip: See what you did?
You all hurt a demented old Democrat’s feelings.
Are you happy now????
It was gratifying to see Pelosi relieved of her position.
However, the Weeping Cheeto was no improvement.
I am prepared to be disappointed by the new Speaker as well.
Because: RINOs.
Interesting comment, especially since it comes from the IRA’s former chief Long Island bagman. Peter King is a walking billboard for term limits.
Somebody else been drinking the Holy Water…?
A crazy thinks that getting rid of a crazy is well crazy!
His district needs to find a crazy to Cantor his sorry ass in the primary.
Were Peter King and Bob Brady separated at birth or just cut out of the same cloth?
One’s a cheap knockoff of the other
So where is this insane asylum where he will be performing his famous crying act?
Not to mention he’s also a walking
billboard for tar and feathers.
Crazy like a fox. Watch your back, King. Foxes travel in packs.
Wait until he finds out we’re crazy enough to make sure he gets
a an exit boot too.
I wish all of them a long stay in a maximum security prison.
Oh no. Jabba is angry.
Good bye orange crying Obama guy. But a dem rushing to drink the left over water from some pope and keeping the glass isn’t crazy?
Because nothing says crazy like a $18T national debt, $200T in unfunded liabilities, 100s of 1,000s of “Syrian refugees”, an open southern border, government funding of the sale of human baby organs, and a leading from behind foreign policy. right Pete?
Fucking kiss my ass.
It’s soooo crazy to believe that republicans should be different from democrats.
I believe you’re thinking of wolves. Foxes travel and hunt on their own.
“Orange crying Obama guy” is good! I also like Holden A. Grudge’s epithet, Weeping Cheeto. Mike Vanderboegh calls him “Old Yellowstain.”
One down, about 300 left to go!
Perhaps we should add: Operating our country without a budget, just renewing the CR’s, refusing to send congressional bills to Obama because he told someone he would veto it, increasing union membership (for government contracts), because $200 trillion just isn’t enough unfunded liabilities, adding 50,000 new regulations each year, because starting and running a business today is just too easy, and last but not least, stopping that pesky debt clock, because that constant reminder of our stupidity hurts the feelings of Liberals.
If King truly believes that, he needs a 2×4 to the side of his head from the abused citizens he should be representing.
If he thinks saying that will make us ‘crazies’ rethink our outrage at the arrogance of lifelong politicians, he’s wrong. He’ll only piss us off MORE !
Do your friggin jobs, or GTFO.
Are there any folves? Woxes?
Wish I could take credit, but I stole it from Daily Timewaster.
Crazies 1 King 0 Go pound sand, asshole.
No, but little lambsey divey…