This is elder abuse – IOTW Report

This is elder abuse

Patriot Retort: Okay, this is getting ridiculous.  This isn’t a presidential campaign; it’s elder abuse.  At this point the people who are pushing Joe Biden to continue his run for the White House should be brought up on charges.

Yesterday, Biden’s campaign team forced the near-octogenarian to livestream a “virtual” townhall that was mercifully cut short after “technical” issues.

But the biggest “technical” issue was the candidate himself.

14 Comments on This is elder abuse

  1. Almost any person watching this elder abuse recognizes the Poor Joey is suffering from dementia. The problem is with his handlers and his family. There are only two ways this farce can come to a dignified conclusion. A family intervention that sends Dementia Joe to the Happy Day Assisted Memory Care Facility, or an exorcism conducted by a Roman Catholic Priest. The third, undignified option involves an accident arranged by the DNC before the Full Catastrophe Convention. I’m betting on an accident involving an AK 14, because that would be something they could call a gun related tragedy.

  2. The DNC knew from the start who they wanted and who they didn’t want. Sanders should have seen the red flags long ago, he can blame himself. The DNC operation is after power and money and don’t care how they obtain it. With Joe in, they can run the office from the sidelines with Joe as their puppet, who will be led around like a trick pony and do their biding. If Joe can’t make it, the next puppet will be substituted from their list of favorites. Voting democrats can’t see though the fog of politics.


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