This Is London… – IOTW Report

This Is London…

Éric Zemmour’s Explosive London Visit Exposing the Islamization of the West and the Unfolding Great Replacement.

And this is Alabama: Despite bail on the first-degree rape charge, Christopher Russihi Strachan is held by ICE and cannot be released until going through the immigration process, leading to questions about why he isn’t immediately deported after the rape conviction.

8 Comments on This Is London…

  1. Don’t know about the rest of you, but if a scumbag rapes a loved one of mine, I’d hope he was set free (away from the protection of jailers) so I could have a shot at him.

  2. Knowing that Teh Gooberment is failing one of its primary duties to protect the citizens, it’s time for those same citizens to take back the duties, responsibilities, and privileges back from that same Gooberment, in the form of what is called “vigilantism”.
    When/if Strachan is found wandering loose (instead of being kept behind bars until trial), wellll….. there’s plenty of places where he could be made to “disappear” without a trace. And the only tears shed for him will be by those Gooberment agencies, employees, and lackies that won’t be able to use him for their own one-world Globalist intents.


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