This is the fire chief, assistant chief, and training commander in Los Angeles Fire DEIpartment

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Why are we encouraging these people? They have the emotional and mental capacity of demons.
Fucking Hell, does anyone think these “gals” could pass the minimum physical fitness standards for basic entry into the fire academy?
This is why women should not vote.
Yeah, I wanna see “training commander” run an obstacle course.
The closest these gals ever came to a real fire is managing the friction generated when their thighs rub together while walking.
It’s a freaken joke. Next thing you know they’ll be a Captain of one of our destroyers.
Lez be honest, perhaps these smother bush fires with their thighs.
…you know, I had 2 Fire Chiefs in my time, 2 Assistant Chiefs, 4 Captains, and a half-dozen or so Lieutenants in my time.
And not one of them ever felt who or what they had sex with needed to be shared with anyone else.
I did have one Assistant Chief who went by AC DC, but that was only because “DC” was his actual initials, and at the time there was this popular band…
It could be worse, one of them could command a submarine and forget to close the screen door (hatch) on the sub and sink it to the bottom. Just kidding, DEI has got to DIE and go away for good and actually hire the best qualified candidates for the job.
As far as firemen go, they can’t be all that good. Only half of Los Angeles is on fire.
Mother nature doesn’t care about your pronouns or your virtue. F around and you’ll find out.
The two on the right appear to be men pretending to be women.
The commissioner of the water dept is also a broad and the hydrants are dry.
The three of them lesbies could quickly put out the fire in any normal guy’s lower regions.
The perfect job for them would be heading up LA’s Anti-rape Squad.
Missed you buddy, prayers up.
Benito, Welcome back !! Am so sorry for your losses, you and your loved ones will be in my prayers 🙏
Call me crazy, but I’m seeing a pattern of premium coastal property being utterly destroyed…
What’s up with that?
Has anyone heared anything about Lahaina?
Will they cordon off the land and isolate it from Americans like they did Lahaina?
Was the fire “assisted?
I think I smell something fishy…
Hang in there Benito!
Prayers for you and those close to you, Benito.
Angelinos and CA voters put these tyrannical morons (include Newsome, et al) where they are. You voted for your own destruction.
US Govt taxpayer should NOT have to pay a penny to rebuild.
¡BENITO! (a) It’s great to see you comment here, it’s been a long time.
(b) What a shame the circumstances are so terrible. Prayers to you and yours and to the fire fighters.
…although I do have to admit that my time was kinda on the front edge of the chick firefighter thing. My departmemt was part paid/part volley and there werent huge amounts of pay and press to make lawyers salivate, but it was a department that needed manpower in a light blue suburb, so chicks became a thing a couple of different ways. It was mostly not a problem because the majority of females went squad only (which in my opinion, the ladies excel at), but we had a couple three that wanted to don turnouts and play with the boys, and that could at times be controversial because of rather immutable physical differences.
One was a little gal with more heart and courage than some men twice her size, but so small she had to wear Fire Explorers gear until they could special order turnouts from Mattel for her. She’d always be in there pitching but simply didnt have the ass to effectively swing an ax or lean into a halligan, and plucky though she may have been she wasnt going to be able to drag even my 160 pound ass in 80 pounds of gear out of a collapsing structure if I was down for some reason, let alone any of the 250 pound guys we had on interior attack. And you really couldnt put her on the nozzle because the reaction force was higher than she was heavy, but give her a fiberglass hook and she could tear out an interior wall pretty well, and she was great for SAR as she could look under beds and in closets and other restricted spaces more easily than many of the guys. Unfortunately she was pretty cute out of her bunker gear too which had firehouse issues, but thats a different story for another day as its hardly HER fault how guys react to her in the down hours.
We had another gal who, by contrast, was pretty large, and was there mostly by dint of being one of the guys’ wife. This one had plenty of matronly ass to put behind a sledge, but the other side of that is that she got winded faster than most guys because she wasnt particuarly fit. She could run a nozzle all right but you had to pay attention to how hard she was pulling on her SCBA regulator because she wouldnt, and sometimes got cross if you suggested there was an issue. One time I was Air Officer (a lofty title forcibly granted to anyone who gets there when the pumpers were full and rides to the scene in the right seat of the air compressor/generator/hydraulic unit carrying rescue truck for filling SCBA bottles so you end up doing THAT the whole time instead of the fun stuff) and she came out hectic as hell and pursing like a guppy so I told her to sit her ass down for a minute to catch up before I would give her another bottle. She tried to get the Squad Captain to oveeride me for picking on her (sexism not having been imvented yet), but since she was doing it in gasps he tended to side with me.
Not that the Squad only chicks were immune to butthurt, though. When I was a proby we had a female Squad Captain taking us through some patient transport evolution in training, and she lapsed into this tale where she reminisced about this time there was a call for I dont remember what that she and an apparently fresh-faced guy answered. where some guy greeted them at the door by saying “I call for help and all they send me is a woman and a boy”. This apparently really stuck with her because years later shes still telling training classes about it, but this was before “disrespect” was considered a valid excuse for not doing your job and that was kind of the crux of why she related that story. Having been called everything but a White man in the years since by people in extreme pain (back before “White Man” was comsidered an insult too), I did find it a necessary part of the job to let it roll off my back, but being a guy I never took it to heart the way that she obviously did.
So yes, even three decades ago women were not held to the same standards as men; but the difference was that there werent as MANY of them proportionally speaking, and also that it was still possible for Command to limit them to what they could physically do without risking a massive Bree Larson explosion…
Last fall, 2024, I was privileged to be a member of our city’s Fire Department Citizen’s Academy. There were about 20 citizens and I was one of the more (ahem) senior members. About half of the attendees were younger and interested in joining the fire department, the rest of us were just curious about the workings of the fire department.
We had 7 classes. We were suited up in turnouts. We got to wear and use the equipment. It was all highly structured to allow us to get our hands dirty, have fun, and be safe.
The most memorable night was when we went into the “burn room”. We had ALL the gear on, breathing apparatus, boots, turnouts, helmet, gloves. We also had several firefighters around to help if anyone had a problem.
The gear weighed about 45 pounds. We had to walk up a flight of stairs, in full gear, to access the room. The only thought in my head was of the firefighters running up the World Trade Center building on that very terrible Tuesday in September.
The burn demonstration was about half an hour. Altogether, we were in the full gear about two hours. Again, we were not actually pulling hose, or cutting brush, or anything other than getting instruction and going up and down a flight of stairs.
I got home that night and I needed Mr. Kakalogical to help me untie my shoes because my fingers would not work. I think I got a bit dehydrated.
We had other great experiences. I got to rappel down a 3 story building. I got to climb the ladder on the tiller truck. I got to cut up a car. I got to go on a day-long ride-along with my local station.
Sure, I got to play firefghter and it was fun, but it was made easy for me. I didn’t do the workouts that they do. I didn’t do the constant training that they do.
I came away with the greatest sense of awe and pride in our city’s firefighters. They were all excited to introduce us to what they do, and they were all a lot of fun!
This is a long post to say that I have probably more “firefighting” experience than these gals do, LOL!
Bless the firefighters and keep them safe.
^ Good news!
I wish that the circumstances were different.
Adding my prayers to those above and adding you to the prayer list.
Bendito sea, amigo.
If it were not for people losing thier uninsured homes that picture might be even funny, but it’s not. Too many stupid humans in charge of our world.
Agatha, that sounds like a great experience, good for you! I’d like to do something like that.
Scissors Team Six on on the case!
How is it “diverse” when 2% of the population are lesbians and the top three jobs in the department are held by lesbians? JFC.
A dear friend who lived in Pacific Palisades, and definitely does not vote Blue, had the house she was renting and every house around it burn to the ground. The only thing left were foundations, chimneys and brick fences. She lost everything. As an aside she was actually at the J6 rally but opted not to go inside. Pray for those who lost their homes and possesions.
If I hear one more reporter say “ million dollar homes are home” I’m going to scream! It doesn’t matter what your home is worth in dollars, it’s a home. Maybe all the liberals in this sad state will decide people are more important than saving the smelt fish. Newscum needs to be recalled. He never cleaned up the dried material that fuels this. DEI Bass cut the LA fire budget. Another recall that is needed. WAKE up CA
Million dollar homes are gone, not home
Speaking of the war begins, I’m reading the looters aren’t even being shy about it and LE is hesitant to engage. Better pack heavy Benito and I’ll try my best to get on your jury. LOL
Debbie Neverwood
Wednesday, 8 January 2025, 20:28 at 8:28 pm
“Million dollar homes are gone”
(Sephora) “A jewel has brilliant fire, but it gives no warmth. Our hands are not so soft, but they can serve. Our bodies not so white, but they are strong. Our lips are not perfumed, but they speak the truth. Love is not an art to us. It’s life to us. We are not dressed in gold and fine linen. Strength and honor are our clothing. Our tents are not the columned halls of Egypt, but our children play happily before them. We can offer you little — but we offer all we have.”
-The Ten Commandments (1956)
It was a lot of fun. I attended the Police Citizen Academy a few years ago and that was interesting, but the fire department one was better.
Now I want to see if the Public Works department has one, cause I would love to drive a trash truck!
Benito, welcome back. So sorry. AA and Geoff.
What a sad day for you, and all of the Americans that have lost their lives and homes.
Prayer is needed tonight for all the lost lives and everyone who has lost everything.
The blame can start later, and there will be much.
Agatha Kakalogical
You are now more qualified for the job of L.A. Fire Chief than the current occupant. If you were a Lezbo you’d have a shot.
¡Hola, Benito!
Where are you hairy-pitted feminists at? The patriarchy is aaaalll up in your bidness.
Prayers for you and yours, Benito. Glad to see you here again.
James Woods:
The Woodley fire is out (The area is used for fire training). The one in Ventura is contained but still going. The Hurst and Palisades are still active. Lord have mercy.
In 2022 the L.A. voters had a choice for mayor between Karen Bass, a career physician assistant, or Rick Caruso, a Billionaire land developer from SoCal who actually managed a business. Morons like Jamie Lee Curtis gleefully voted for the woman of color cause it just felt so good. I’m wondering how she’s feeling now. Especially since the mayor was out of the country. I sure feel bad for James Woods. 99% of these people are receiving what they deserve.
“The Woodley fire is out”
They have a brand new one that just blew up in the Hollywood Hills. This won’t end until the winds lay down.
Those three look like flamers.
These disastrous events frequently happen when the mentally ill are put in positions of authority. They are incapable of valuing others or focusing on anything other than their own warped personal needs and agendas.
Their delusional mental state and crippling psychosis makes these queer “female” LA fire officials, derelict in their duties to prioritize and protect the residents they were hired to serve.
They should immediately be fired and sued (along with recalls of California Gov. Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Bass) by the residents who lost everything in fires they were in charge of trying to prevent.
This photo – framed – should be sent to every Hollywood idiot who saw to it that these dumb broads were put in charge of – and destoyed – the great LA firefighting system greater minds created and ran. Maybe the Hollywood idiots will get the message and see how their polictics literally led to their homes being burned to the ground. But then, they’re narcissists, and narcissists are NEVER wrong.
Holy Cows Batman!
Agatha Kakalogical
Wednesday, 8 January 2025, 21:12 at 9:12 pm
It was a lot of fun. I attended the Police Citizen Academy a few years ago and that was interesting, but the fire department one was better.
Now I want to see if the Public Works department has one, cause I would love to drive a trash truck!”
…a former friend and fellow FF (“Former” because he started an exciting new career as a dumpster arsonist to be able to woo an otherwise inaccessible single mother, different story for another day) had a father in the Public Works department, so while I didnt get to drive trash trucks (the city contracted that) we did get to play with a number of special-purpose devices that private citizens normally wouldnt have access to, so that was fun.
One such was a line painter. Because they only took care of smaller municipal roads they didnt have anything like the DOT highway stuff that could paint at 60 MPH, but they did have a painter that was a cross between a Zamboni and a grocery store floor scrubber. We saw him striping the road near an axuilary firehouse, and of course had to jump on and take turns having fun doing his job, laughing and shouting deprications at each other as we went.
…thing is, we were coming off a run on a night shift and when you wear your clock backwards you tend to forget when the rest of the world sleeps. Also I was accustomed to rudely awakening people as a firefighter and because of the nature of that job people do react to it differently than they do to apparent Public Works employees.
…so a guy in his PJs and a trenchcoat walking a Penkanese stomps over from the (apparently too) nearby apartment complex, just absolutely foaming at the mouth in anger. It wasnt absurdly early, around 7ish in the AM, but seems the guy was a shift worker and us noising it had awakened him in a foul mood, so he elected to walk his dog and read us the Riot Act at the same time, which he proceeded to do with vim and vigor.
Now this was kinda serious as, while we were volleys and so personally and financially immune to economic harm from a City censure, the guy letting us improperly operate City equipment was a City hire and we didnt want him getting punished in some way on our behalf; plus…and this is important…we actually WERE in the wrong on this occasion.
So we took turns trying to talk the guy down (no easy task as it was really hard not to laugh at the way the tiny dog he was gripping seemed to mirror his facial expressions and emotions pretty exactly) and eventually placated him sufficient that he grumbled away with honor satisfied, and nothing ever came through official channels about it. We kind of stayed off DPW equipment in public after that, but there was an incident on Department property involving a cherry picker and a deliberate engine shutdown, but that too is a different story for another day…
…so if you ever DO get an opportunity to ride along with road workers, bear in mind that people on the whole react one way to police, another way to fire, and a third way to Public Works employees, and that theres a reason that very few movies and TV shows are made about patching potholes…
sweat hog carpet munchers
Gonna have to let that opportunity go, girls are not my type!
Sounds like fun! Our city is currently experiencing the garbage wars. They can’t seem to get the trash picked up on time and everybody is pissed. Pretty sure I’d hear an earful from both sides!
Reporting: Catastrophic: Numerous (100’s?) $Million dollar homes lost to the Fires and no mention of one homeless person’s tent or broken down RV destroyed.
Compton is safe. Weird.
Light will pierce the Darkness even when the light is generated by fire.
I would not be surprised if Locusts arrive in California during spring.
Congrats to those brave souls who made the VERY HARD decision to leave CA over the last few years.
I left the East over a decade ago and moved my nuclear family nearly 2000 miles away from our life, including friends and a huge extended family.
This world is a vast and beautiful place and sometimes you come to the decision that you can’t fix stupid. And you don’t want stupid having a constant bad effect on YOUR life.