This is the meme Nancy Pelosi had Facebook remove – IOTW Report

This is the meme Nancy Pelosi had Facebook remove


10 Comments on This is the meme Nancy Pelosi had Facebook remove

  1. Lot’s a peeps missing the point here. The arguments always been social media are private run companies and can regulate their content. Fair enough. BUT, when the Government starts telling them what they can allow and what they can’t, that’s a clear violation of the first amendment. And the dumb bastards admitted at least twice today.

  2. FFS, get the voting bullshit straightened out right f—king now. These people are acting like it’s a done deal forever, and they can just do whatever they want to us.

    Can they?

    Brad is right. The joke has gone on for too long.

  3. With the left the weirder/crazier you are the more acceptable you become. She’s always been both! I would never have predicted her being where she is today.these people find unity in the diversity of the strange. An army of misfits all believing if they scream loud enough they will all get what they want.


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