This Is Treemendous Work! – IOTW Report

This Is Treemendous Work!

Hats off to all loggers worldwide.

I wonder, how do they make toothpicks? 😂

8 Comments on This Is Treemendous Work!

  1. When in college I lived next to a sawmill and the pond could smell as bad as a sewer. Most mills use dry land sorting now, no more using the waterways.
    Me and a friend got rides into the woods with the truck drivers. Good guys. They were nothing like the guys on that show AX Men. But then it was a different time.

  2. The log train in our town shut down a few years ago, kind of a mixed blessing. I used to curse it when it stopped traffic on its way to the sawmill, but now I kind of miss it, especially when I’m stuck behind log trucks with bark falling off their loads at 60mph.


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