‘This Is What Happens When You Attempt To Leave High School Early’ – IOTW Report

‘This Is What Happens When You Attempt To Leave High School Early’

Daily Caller- Laura Ingraham went all in LeBron James on Fox News Thursday Night.

The Ingraham Angle host lambasted the “barely intelligible, not to mention un-grammatical, take” the Cavaliers star forward made against President Donald Trump, namely that POTUS doesn’t give a “f**k” about American voters.

Ingraham pulled exactly zero punches, even going after James for injecting himself into politics despite skipping college to enter the league early.

“Must they run their mouths like that? Unfortunately, a lot of kids — and some adults — take these ignorant comments seriously,” she told her audience. “Look, there might be a cautionary lesson in LeBron for kids. This is what happens when you attempt to leave high school a year early to join the NBA.”

“It’s always unwise to seek political advice from someone who gets paid a hundred million dollars a year to bounce a ball.

Oh, and LeBron and Kevin, You’re great players but no one voted for you. Millions elected Trump to be their coach. So keep the political commentary to yourself or, as someone once said, shut up and dribble.”  WATCH

18 Comments on ‘This Is What Happens When You Attempt To Leave High School Early’

  1. Well, as far as business decisions are concerned leaving HS a year early and presumably skipping college ball gave him an extra five years for professional basketball and at his level that would mean tens of millions of extra dollars when his career is over. Ingraham is quite right though in saying that there’s a lot of people out there who would listen to his opinion on subjects he knows nothing about and nod sagely thinking he’s truly a bright man when he’s actually just a basketball player who might just have trouble operating the french fry vat at McD’s.

  2. Let’s face the brutal truth here. A high school diploma is worth less than a single sheet of toilet paper to someone like LaBron. If not for basketball, he would likely be wearing a paper hat and handing out burgers through a sliding window, or dead from a gunshot wound received trying to rob a convenience store. But, thanks to the miracle of the NBA, this illiterate buffoon will blow through more money in a single year than I will ever earn in my lifetime. This is the lesson we teach our children, yet we wonder why our society is slowly dying.

  3. I was given a couple tickets to the Supersonics’ luxury suite in Seattle. Supersonics and they were playing Cleveland and this guy, I doubt there were a couple thousand people in attendance.

    The food was great. Don’t remember watching the game.

    First NBA game I have been to since seeing Wilt Chamberlain and LA Lakers with my cub scout troop. Those were the only NBA games I have ever been to.

  4. That’s the reason I don’t watch “professional” sports. You have these assholes with a less than 3rd grade education…(thanks to the fukin’ NEA) who think just because they get paid a shitload of money to play a game that they all of a sudden are political geniuses and their opinion should matter to the rest of us.

  5. Michael Jordan haunts this guy. He knows Jordan was a much better athlete. And Jordan was much smarter and better edjumicated than this jack ass. Bugs the shit out of the street thug. And Jordan knew enough to just play ball. Mike Tyson is smarter than this big lump of shit.

  6. Lebron was always my mother and step father’s least favorite cheater. Besides, he is gross. Just gross.
    Every see him chewing incessantly on his mouth guard?
    Just, ewwww.
    Laura Ingraham can be kind of bitchy to people but when she’s right, she’s right.
    No one voted for you, you egotistical ball bouncer.

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