This is what happens when you think voters are stupid – IOTW Report

This is what happens when you think voters are stupid

Patriot Retort: Barack Obama thinks voters are stupid.

One only needs to endure five minutes of any Obama speech to be convinced of that.

Only if you believe voters are stupid would you actually try to take credit for the economic explosion that has happened under President Trump.

And that is precisely what this credit hog tried to do yesterday.

But there’s just a few problems with this outlandish lie.

First of all, there are Obama’s own words.

For the last two years of his excruciating time in office, Obama went out of his way time and time again to prepare the American people for the sad reality that vigorous economic growth was a thing of the past.

He famously mocked candidate Donald Trump’s campaign promise to revitalize America’s manufacturing.

“Some of those jobs of the past are just not gonna come back,” he declared with absolute certainty back in June of 2016.


He snarkingly dismissed Trump’s promise to negotiate better deals – famously asking, “What magic wand do you have?”

Slogging economic growth was “the new normal,” Obama was quick to tell us.

Get used to it, people. One percent growth is the best you’re ever going to see from here on out.  read more

22 Comments on This is what happens when you think voters are stupid

  1. This is a good example of why it’s a bad idea allow the right to vote simply by turning 18. There needs to be some sort of qualifying factor that must be met in order to qualify to be able to vote. Reading the ballot in English is the first requirement.

  2. Yes, why isn’t the conservative media playing the SHIT out of this?
    “He snarkingly dismissed Trump’s promise to negotiate better deals – famously asking, “What magic wand do you have?”

    And now BoRock, “I don’t make noise when I fart” has the balls to try and claim this economy? With straight face?
    He needs to write a new book. “The Audacity of a Dope”.

    good job Dianny.

  3. Only if you believe voters are stupid would you actually try to take credit for the economic explosion that has happened under President Trump.

    In 2012, which I think was after 2009, Barack Obama was RE-elected. How could Barack Obama NOT know that voters are stupid?

  4. Entitlement (diversity) led to this delusion demonstrating mental illness. This example went national and half the country sucked it up! This self absorbed POS propped up greedy puppet. Let him stay and say “I” 120 times every time he speaks, insuring a true Black American will never be elected for decades. In a way I want to thank him (except for the 8 years of step and fetch it shiftlessness) in getting Trump elected. Always found it amazing how he went from Bi-Racial to Black once taking the oath he never had any intention of honoring. Yea, I never respected him even when we shared a joint, ’cause it was my joint!

  5. The only reason he had a second term was voter fraud and thuggery. I forget how many districts he won by over 100% of the voters? Impossible!

    That the obamination fraud or Hillary have any followers is a tribute to the stupidity of the leftist lemmings. Disgusting as is the ‘resistance’. What a joke.

  6. @Mighty Mojo September 9, 2018 at 2:06 am

    > The only reason he had a second term was voter fraud and thuggery. I forget how many districts he won by over 100% of the voters? Impossible!

    Are you trying to use that as “proof” the voters are NOT stupid?

  7. The reason he won a second term is because the wretched McCain greased the skids. Nobody could get enthusiastic about that dirtbag and nobody could tell much of a difference anyway.

  8. That’s why the Europeans adored Him, He’s just like them in

    His “Why Bother?” attitude…. Trying is too hard.

    Most People would be embarrassed by being shown up on the World’s

    Stage….Not the Donger…Headmaster at the School of stupidity.

  9. In a way, he’s right, he is responsible for this economy. Think of it…if we hadn’t had to live through eight years of the worst president in American history, the voters wouldn’t have turned to Trump. So thank you Barry for being so god awful.

  10. “Oh, and the fact that Hillary is a detestable, crooked crunt helped a lot too…” – RF
    I’m a bit disappointed, have come to expect much more from you Mr.Fink.
    I give it a 4.

  11. Isn’t it great that, now that we’ve had DT holding rallies for almost 2 years, people can ALL see what some of us saw years ago?

    We now have a plain-speaking, honest (I know, but that’s just his hyperbolic style, and that’s cool) guy who says what he means and uses everyday language (that is NOT a bug- it’s a feature) instead of vague, political talking points (“for the children”) that don’t mean anything.

    And boy, does the contrast show up bigly! Also, we have a prez who talks about us, how great we are, what we have done together, instead of the I, I, I. He can speak hours without a teleprompter and includes little comedy routines (“I can act presidential…”) instead of lecturing us. He sounds friendly instead of condescending, determined and tough rather than wimpy and without a core.

    The difference is so obvious, yet the MSM would still say that contemptuous, hectoring know-it-all is a “great orator” and that DT doesn’t know how to give a speech. Oh, geez, are we sick of their lies!


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