This is what part of the Super Bowl entertained Chris Hayes – IOTW Report

This is what part of the Super Bowl entertained Chris Hayes

Click more to see what a bitchy femme like Chris Hayes liked about the Super Bowl. Ht/ Twitchy

You can see the scat celebration HERE

24 Comments on This is what part of the Super Bowl entertained Chris Hayes

  1. Saw some of the pre-game coverage, at one point there was an interview of some lady footballer (she had a very unusual timbre to her voice though, so I may be taking liberties with the “lady” label). One of the interviewers was a little swish fella in a sparkly blue outfit (a la Cabaret) made to look like a football uniform. I figured it was pandering to make up for the league’s rejection of Michael Sam. Decided at that point things had degraded to a degree my participation was no longer merited.

  2. He(?) is an MSNBCPMS talking head. I’ve never seen his show, but he has been featured here at times.

    We should care who he is because people listen to and are influenced by him. It would be nice just to reply knowingly to someone who does watch him, “Oh, him? What a douche.”

  3. Baldwin drew a penalty for that childish move. Then there was Irwin, #51, who go ejected from the Super Bowl in the final seconds for instigating fights out on the field.

    The Seattle Seahawks; the only team so thuggish, they make the New England Patriots look like the good guys.

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