This is why California will never secede – IOTW Report

This is why California will never secede

Patriot Retort:

Sure, California hates Donald Trump.

Yeah, they are rumbling about seceding from the Union.

And, true, they hired disgraced former Attorney General Eric Holder to fight Donald Trump for them in court.

But California has no problem coming to President Trump with their money-grubbing hands out demanding their piece of the Infrastructure Spending Pie.

State officials proposed a list of infrastructure projects on Wednesday that would require $100 billion in federal funds. Some of the projects include improving roads, bridges, levees, ports and public transportation according to the Los Angeles Times.

And this, my friends, is exactly why California will never secede.

They couldn’t afford to live on their own. California squandered its vast wealth and industry on useless Leftist causes.


26 Comments on This is why California will never secede

  1. Well just sayen, I know these people like Xavier Ghost Gun. That’s one retarded son of a bitch. No they can’t do it. Never could. But that won’t stop them from trying. Their math has huge holes in it.

  2. Hehehe, this reminds me of a video posted a while back. One of Soros’ funded riots was in process with idiots screaming about something they always scream about (probably about killing cops). Shots were fired and some harridan began screeching for someone to help. The shrew saw the cops sitting in their cars watching them and started whining that they didn’t come to help.

    I loved that video.

  3. First off, charges against Eric (with)Holder need to be forthcoming for his cover up of Fast & Furious, which can only be described as illegal weapons trafficking to the enemies of a sovereign nation (Mexico); an act of war.

    After his trial, conviction, and execution for war crimes, we’ll see how dandy Governor Brown is to proceed with his nonsense.

  4. California, what a state…
    The lowest information Governor spends $25 Billion on illegals,
    Wastes Billions on a high speed train to nowhere,
    Now there is no money for infrastructure maintenance,
    The state needs some serious adult supervision.

  5. @ grayjohn,

    If Jefferson comes into play (and the onboard counties are increasing), California will get shoved the fuck out and become an official part of Mexico. And they can have it.

    I hope the border line eventually becomes the San Andreas fault line. The conservative half on the East side; the shitstain snowflake side on the West side.

    With Jefferson, there will still be 50 states.


    That’s what I’m seeing. Apparently the left has never been told, “Careful what you wish for, you just might get it”. I hope they keep it up. I hope they are successful. They’ll end up with a tiny sliver of land mass right along the shore. I’ll pick up a gun to keep the Delta though. But bottom line the overwhelming majority of real estate in California is conservative. And those people are not leaving the USA.

  7. California is actually pays the most taxes out of all the states at 13.3%. They’re also one of the largest agricultural states, producing the most milk, cheese, butter, and ice cream,while also producing a sizeable chunk of fruits vegetables and tree nuts. And then there’s the port of Los Angeles, one of the busiest in the world, would no longer be “American” port. California is the largest economy in the United States, so there is also that to consider. Would hate to see how that affects the Dollar. So in simpler terms for all those who don’t know how to do research yet still spam the internet with their child like gibberish…Everything would get more expensive and your taxes would go up, so no, you don’t want California to secede. Unless you like paying more for everything… PS. IF Calexit happens California would be the 6th largest economy in the world. Think about that

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