This is why I don’t care about January 6 – IOTW Report

This is why I don’t care about January 6

Patriot Retort:

I don’t care about January 6.

I stopped caring about January 6 by about January 8. As soon as the dopes in the media started lighting their hair on fire and screeching about the “insurrection,” I stopped caring.

The Left’s incessant habit of pushing too hard and too far resulted in January 6 rolling off of me like I’ve been Scotch-Guarded.

The 3-hour melee at the Capitol irritated me at the time – mostly because I knew what was coming. I knew the Democrats, Big Tech, and the media were going to use that brief, pointless event as a pretense to target their political opponents. I saw it for what it was: a foolish, self-defeating stunt that would backfire.

But the ham-handed overreaction on the part of the Democrats and the media was so laughably over-the-top, the only thing it evoked in me was chuckling incredulity.

If January 6 really was this super-scary “insurrection” where “terrorists” tried to “overthrow our democracy,” these assholes wouldn’t have had to lie about it for the last ten months.

January 6 is this year’s Steele Dossier – a campaign ploy concocted by Democrats, boosted by the DOJ, and blasted from the partisan corporate news media. I didn’t fall for the Steele Clinton Dossier. And I won’t fall for this either.

I’m supposed to care about January 6 while Democrats keep trying to force through legislation that will upend our society, destroy our free and fair elections, and further cripple our economy? more here

6 Comments on This is why I don’t care about January 6

  1. I care that there are still political prisoners being held in third world conditions and not getting their day in court. And I’m pissed off as hell our side is incapable or unwilling to do anything about this!

  2. The thing about Jan 6 was Jan 5 in Georgia. After it was well recognized that Democrats stole the nationwide election in November, they brazenly stole Georgia on Jan 5.

    I had a ticket to ride Amtrak on Jan 6, then smelled a rat and scrubbed the mission. I had my suspicions going into it. Why did I decide I needed a walking stick? Why did I feel the need to purchase bear spray?

    Sixth sense kicked in on many levels.

  3. ^^^ And it’s a shame it will never be proven beyond one man’s claims before the election was even over. To this day yet no proof, even found more votes for the winner. But keep turning the voting right backwards, that will fix everything won’t it.

  4. If patriots had stormed the capital building to perpetrate an
    insurrection it would have been very bloody with a much larger body count. And it would not have succeeded. What happened January 6th was as much a peaceful protest as any that happened in cities across America last year.
    It was just the wrong team.


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