This Is Why Your Blue-Haired Harpy-in-Law Is a Raging Marxist – IOTW Report

This Is Why Your Blue-Haired Harpy-in-Law Is a Raging Marxist


Eighteen-year-old Abbey proudly walked onto the campus of New York City’s Barnard College for women in the fall of 2018, wearing a hot little mini-dress from Forever 21 and a pair of saucy wedges. She wanted to dress to impress. She was no longer in Brookfield, Ohio. This is the Big Apple. She was beautiful, and she felt it.

Her long blonde hair was pulled into a bun to make her look sophisticated and intelligent. It was her first day of college and, for her, her first day as an adult. Also, her name was no longer Abbey. That’s too girly, too “small-town Ohio.” As of today, she was Abigail. Abigail the beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated adult living in New York City.

When Abigail graduated in May of 2022, she was unrecognizable. In the world of the communists—where she had spent the last four years—beauty is ugly. Make-up and pretty clothes are signs that you have too much money when others have too little. Most of Abigail’s hair had been cropped off, and what was left was Ty D Bowl blue. Her multiple face piercings made her look like she had fallen face-first into Grandpa’s tackle box. She wore a man’s “wife beater” t-shirt because she wanted the world to see what looked like sea urchins in her armpits. And she is no longer Abigail. After a short stint as “Gail,” she now insisted everyone call her “Gay,” even though she was what her actual gay friends mockingly referred to as a “breeder.”  more here

25 Comments on This Is Why Your Blue-Haired Harpy-in-Law Is a Raging Marxist

  1. That’s pretty good.
    I will note that I spent 4 years at Cal Berkeley, registered Republican (at the Democrat table in Sproul Plaza 🙂 ) every time I moved, and if anything solidified my conservatism. But a lot of 18 year-olds are very impressionable, certainly insecure, and are open to adopting whatever trends and beliefs will give them acceptance into social groups.

  2. …nope, this is made up.

    Know how I can tell?


    “Everyone laughs except for Gay, who quietly dips her gluten-free chip into a bowl of culturally appropriated salsa.”

    …Commies NEVER stay quiet when offended. Laughter ALONE will buy you at LEAST an hour long tirade about how no one should laugh EVER as long as Palestinians (Black people, Gay people, Wimmin, whatever) are “being oppressed”, followed by flinging the salsa as a monkey flings poo.

  3. Inculcated with the sense that envy is not a cardinal sin, but in fact a virtue. They envy and resent anyone who is living a joyous and fulfilling life. Bought into Satan’s lies and it’s never their fault.

    I couldn’t give a shit less about them if they would just leave other people alone. They are fundamentally incapable of that. They are to be despised, shunned and ignored.

  4. One of my first posts on this site was about a friend who’s daughter went to College and after graduation moved to either Portland or Seattle (I’m getting old and don’t remember things as I used to).
    I mentioned that when she does come home to visit they still miss her as she isn’t the same person as they sent away to college. That person never returned.

  5. I have never forgotten the first time I heard a liberal politician tell me something untrue because it was politically expedient (as the young director of a rehab center for the chronically mentally ill) and realized to him it wasn’t A lie. I learned that facts are used as opinions. They actually believe it. No arguments possible or debate.

    Good luck Mr. Trump, Ka Mala has a mental condition and you can’t debate or argue with crazy.

  6. Can’t tell if that story is true or false but my generation didn’t give much of a welcome home to our returning servicemen (and some women) who survived being drafted for the war in Vietnam. I remember that they were being called ” Baby-Killers” .

  7. Thank God that there weren’t very many harpy chicks like this around in the 70’s when I went to college. I’m sure that they were there it just was that they were avoided like the plague by most normal guys. I was married to my wife, 47 years ago tomorrow 9-11-77 when I was attending college at EWU, so I didn’t have that problem. And as a Vietnam vet I can only remember once being harassed by lefty dickwads for my service in the Navy in the mid 70’s.

  8. Absent all these ,”Can you believe this asshole” posts is any serious discussion on repealing what I consider the “Big Bang” of moral decay and the impetus for this slow roll to destruction, the 26th Amendment.

    These freaks vote and they all vote the wrong way. It’s bad enough that we have to live with the 19th Amendment (as an aside, this election will produce the greatest disparity between the sexes and their voting preferences in history) but allowing immature impetuous inexperienced know-nothings who have been coddled their whole lives and haven’t a clue as to how the world works, to allow these sub-formed humans the same sway in the election process as you or me, ridiculous. Nobody under 25 should have any hand in the democratic process.

    “Those most in need of leaders are the least qualified to choose them”………..don’t know who said it, but I second it.

  9. I had a few commie professors at university. They were easy to spot; if you listened to them, you stongly suspected that what they were saying couldn’t be true – and if you fact checked them you confirmed that. But you couldn’t argue with them because your grade would be docked.

    But once you figured what they were, the classes were ridiculously easy. First, learn their favorite buzzwords – not particularly difficult since there were only a handful of them and one was always bourgeoisie. Next, figure out what classes of people they liked and which ones they hated; communists love to classify people and their classifications are more sacrosanct than Hindu castes. Finally, learn what issues are important to them and parrot back their issues and positions – using buzzwords and classifications – to them on exams. Voila – easy “A,” and you really don’t have to learn anything nor do you want to learn what they’re teaching.

    I know this sounds cynical, but one thing I learned in life is that you will always run into a few of these types. Many college professors are societally useless – they’ve never really had a job – so you get what you need (an easy grade) and move on. And in fact you are learning something valuable – you are learning how to deal with problematic or irritating people while getting what you want and maintaining your sanity.

  10. more about arlington from 1:07 – the yt-****** in the yt-hut hands over billions in arms to the shitholers/taliban, allows 13 servicd people to die…then a fkng ****** wears out djt for being there even though sniffer & crimeala were not invited. fku, general ******.

  11. @Rich Taylor:

    Nobody under 25 should have any hand in the democratic process.

    I’ve long maintained that we need a constitutional amendment mandating that the minimum age for fed-level electors (voters) should be the same as for qualifying candidates. You’d have to be 25 to vote for a House member, 30 for a Senator, and 35 for President and VP.

    I’d take it a step farther for voting for Pres/VP and require electors to be natural born citizens, too.

  12. If it’s not a true story, it’s a perfect example of what college kids are in for. This is a true story:
    Next door neighbor kids — triplets; 2 boys, 1 girl. One went to Oberlin, one went to Georgtown, and the other one I can’t remember, but it was spendy.

    One of the boys “came out” early — like freshman year — as transgendered. I think he was the Oberlin guy. The following fall the second boy decided he was gay (or maybe it was bi-sexual). At the same time the girl got a haircut, which was actually quite cute on her. Not long after I told her how cute she looked with her new short hair, she came home for a school break with one of those crazy-short haircuts that was decidedly masculine. Then she started dressing like a guy, and I think she’s decided she’s a lesbian, now.

    Their parents are both lawyers; the mother is a partner. They champion their children’s mental health issues by taking neighborhood walks with them all dressed up in their cross-dressing get-ups. The parents wear “Pride” shirts, or hats, or whatever. The mother has insisted we call one of the boys by his new female name. We have nothing to do with anyone in the family. It’s too risky. I believe the lawyer parents would love nothing more than to sue someone for not using their kids’ preferred pronouns (and names). That’s no exaggeration.

    These kids clearly have mental health problems. They’re out of college now and none of them have ever had a job (not even a paper route kind of job). They’ve never been required to work around the house for one day of their cosseted lives. So their parents spent a fortune sending them to indoctrination centers without requiring any of them get a degree in anything they can get a real job with.
    They outsourced their responsibility parenting from day one.

  13. “Till we take back our schools, abandon all hope.”

    Good luck with that! We allowed our schools to be radicalized back in the 1920s –
    and even earlier if we’re to believe Goethe and Carlyle.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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