‘This isn’t about justice’: GOP releases ad targeting Marxist co-founder of Black Lives Matter – IOTW Report

‘This isn’t about justice’: GOP releases ad targeting Marxist co-founder of Black Lives Matter

Wa Examiner: The Republican Party released a scathing advertisement against a Marxist Black Lives Matter co-founder.

Taking aim at Patrisse Cullors, the GOP played a clip from a 2015 interview in which she identified herself and fellow co-founders of the organization as “trained Marxists.”

“I actually do think we have an ideological frame. We are trained Marxists,” the ad, released on Thursday, shows Cullors saying.

Marxism, a belief system formulated by German political philosopher Karl Marx, is the underlying worldview written in The Communist Manifesto, which was written by Marx and philosopher Friedrich Engels. In Marx and Engels’s view, history is characterized by worldwide material class conflict. more

24 Comments on ‘This isn’t about justice’: GOP releases ad targeting Marxist co-founder of Black Lives Matter

  1. Support for Forced Sterilization in India

    According to the left-wing website Vox, Ford Foundation official Douglas Ensminger created large-scale sterilization programs in India, offering vasectomies to millions to halt population growth. In 1975, under influence from the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi used emergency powers to appoint herself a virtual dictator of the country and declared a national emergency to implement a large-scale compulsory sterilization program, imprisoning dissenters. [33] This event, now known as The Emergency, was celebrated at the time by former president of the World Bank Robert McNamara: “At long last, India is moving to effectively address its population problem.” [34]


  2. The NoVo Foundation is the private foundation controlled by Peter Buffett, son of investor and left-of-center philanthropist Warren Buffett, and Peter’s wife Jennifer. Warren provided the initial donation of 350,000 shares of Berkshire Hathaway valued at $1,000,000,000. [1] The foundation directs millions each year to left-of-center groups advocating for abortion, LGBT interests, and liberal economics.


    Rabbit Hole……….

  3. “Talk to me the day after Trump is re elected.”

    Brad, you may be able to see the smoke of the eastern seaboard from your place. I expect a full court press on that day.

  4. Lowell
    I’m of the opinion everything that’s taken place since Floyd was dispatched is nothing more than probing one’s enemy. And what they’ve learned is the Government has no desire or plans to protect us.

  5. “Talk to me the day after Trump is re elected.”

    You’re saying we’ll start fighting then?

    Since we’re being beaten back and in retreat on almost every front now, it may be too late then. We won’t have a position left to fight from much longer no matter who wins.

  6. “You’re saying we’ll start fighting then?”

    Nope, the rioting and arson will go large. Nobody (statistically speaking) that you read online bloviating about going ‘tactical’ on those hooligans will do jack shit. Most would be afraid to shoot someone on their front walk winding up with a lit molotov cocktail.

    Most people that buy guns for “protection” are more of a danger to them selves and their family members because they are untrained. Best I’ve heard it said is, “Owning a gun doesn’t make you armed anymore than owning a guitar makes you a musician.”

    What makes a person dangerous to those they are being threatened by is two-fold. Knowing how to effectively employ violence and more importantly having the mindset to know when to begin. Taking a human life, even in extreme circumstances is a big deal. It will change you for all your days to come. That change will not be positive for you.

  7. Lowel explains it like I see it. There’s a lot of “Conservatives” that will parish. Because they are not musicians. However there are a lot of Conservatives that have prepared. Some with Militias. These are the people that will survive. And it most likely will be regional

  8. Don’t be fooled by this rino fodder designed to lull us back into trusting them. They’d like nothing better than being a minority in the swamp that is totally secure in their position in the gravey train.

  9. The MSM will likely refuse to run this ad. I don’t want to be negative here but as far as the civil war goes although they are outnumbered the left is already organized from the top down while the right is not organized. This presents obvious strategic problems especially since organizing liberty-minded people is like herding cats.

  10. Billy Fuster
    “left organized from the top down” But they have done their best to dis-arm them already.
    “right is not organized” Yes, they are. They don’t stand and shout, because there busy with things like Jobs and Family.

    “Taking a human life,”
    All definitions of “Justifiable” must be met before squeezing the trigger. Practice, is what shortens the response time.

  11. “All definitions of “Justifiable” must be met ”

    That definition changes drastically in times of civil unrest when LE cannot protect you. Everyone should research their states Penal Codes regarding this

  12. This leftist tool is not the actual BLM “co-founder” – She doesn’t have the pedigree. She’s just the appropriate colored frontman for the billionaire Marxist socialist, white progressives operating a worldwide genocide scheme called, “Black Lives Matter”, targeting black people, who Marxists hate with a passion. Think Soros, etc.
    This ad should work to alert the clueless, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg.


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