This looks like fun – IOTW Report

This looks like fun

Maybe… Not sure.

31 Comments on This looks like fun

  1. I skied a few times but I was not very good. My son once convinced me to try a 398 black diamond run. It probably took me an hour to get down as I kept falling as soon as I stood up.

    I was decent on easy runs, although I did fall every now and then. When I fell on the easy slopes I actually found it somewhat liberating for some reason. Now I would probably break something.

  2. I am suddenly reminded of the man that jumped out of his forty-second floor office window and could be heard all the way down shouting, “so far, so good!”

  3. I never made it up nor down the bunny hill even though two young men worked with me for two hours at a ski lodge in WI. There was a creek at the bottom of the hill, no snow, just ice on the jhill. Sat by the fireplace and drank wine that weekend. Never donned skis again.

  4. I used to ski black diamonds with my brother, running into and pushing each other on the way down trying to make the other fall. Rarely did we fall and never got injured. I can’t decide if we were simply amazing or just plain stupid. You couldn’t get me on a bunny hill today.

  5. Was just watching some kids sledding the other day and started thinking about our old toboggan that’s still in my grandfather’s barn. (my nephew bought the old place which is great) Then I remembered what goes down has to go back up. No thanks. Still got the childhood memories but everything else is aging out.😉

  6. I cannot let my husband see this.
    He is a guy who has gone sky diving, bungee jumped from Kawarau Gorge suspension bridge in New Zealand,then followed that up by taking a glass bottom tram up to a higher point and bungee jumping from that.
    He also did a canyon swing in New Zealand.
    I have to double my blood pressure meds every time I travel with him.
    The one good thing from 2020 was that we couldn’t travel, my BP stayed under stroke range.

  7. That reminds me of one of the photos a good friend showed me 40+ years ago as he tried to talk me into going skiing with him. “It’s just like flying!” he said.

    “Then you should come with me and learn to hang glide. It’s not ‘just like’ flying, it IS flying.”

    He shut up after that.

  8. The caption reads:

    “A ski run in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where legendary skier Doug Coombs once skied”


    Poor guy. Just how many bodies are at the bottom of that drop? 😉

  9. Lowell — “schnapps” — Had to laugh at that, because that’s precisely what I was thinking. Load me up with enough liquid courage on a ski slope and I would have taken that on.

    I’ve had some wonderful skiing experiences and glad to say I’ve never even sprained or torn anything. Schlepped my skis and boots all the way to Garmisch P, too! Amazing to ski the Alps.

  10. Before we met, hubby went skiing frequently in NC. A year after our marriage, he convinced me to go on a ski trip. He abandoned me to find my way to the bunny slope (having never been on skis in my life) while he went to the top of the mountain for his fun.

    Trying to get to the bunny slope (there was a top layer of ice over the snow), I fell and dislocated my shoulder.

    Fast forward. I’m patched up, in a sling, on the lodge patio, drinking a hot toddy. All of a sudden, everyone turns their attention to the mountain due to screams of, “HELP”. I see hubby coming down the mountain, arms flailing, BACKWARDS!

    That was the last time either one of us went skiing. 🙂


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