This man has some advice for Al Gore and that Greta chick 😂 – IOTW Report

This man has some advice for Al Gore and that Greta chick 😂

h/t Doc.

17 Comments on This man has some advice for Al Gore and that Greta chick 😂

  1. I have spent decades performing engineering experiments that include precise temperature measurements.
    When calibrating thermocouples and thermistors (electronic temperature measurement devices) it is understood there is an inaccuracy of a few tenths of a degree C over a period of a year or so. That’s just ONE device.
    So, why should we take anyone serious who claims that the entire earth is changing a few tenths of a degree based on tens of thousands of these devices that we know not to trust the accuracy by that same amount.
    And don’t get me started on the sloppy maintenance and record keeping I have heard about at these stations, and the urban heat island effect, etc…

  2. Maybe if the world climate organizations chip in and all send her an assortment of DILDOS, (since she can’t seem to get laid) the least we can do is send her a bucket full of K-Y JELLY!

  3. I have spent my life living in a country that varies between plus 30 to minus 30C.
    Not a problem. Come out fishing with me, i can guarantee you will come across all manners of weather and lake levels ranging from 2 ft above to 2ft below average levels on a inland lake with no major input outside of rainfall.
    It does however flow into Georgian Bay which floes into the Great Lakes which flow into the St.Lawrence river that dumps all of it into the Atlantic.
    Travel a couple hundred miles from me and the water runs North into the Arctic watershed.
    Yep, Oceans rise and fall but not by much.

  4. Sorry Bill

    We are still in the so-called

    ” LAST ICE AGE ”

    Those glaciers and permafrost are still there
    and they have been there for over
    100,000 years


    Just because Canada isn’t totally covered with ice
    and the Mississippi valley is no longer buried in ice

    Doesn’t mean we have left the current ICE AGE

    We are still in it
    and the evidence of more than 100,000 years
    is there for everyone to see.

    And the evidence is obvious in both the
    northern and southern hemispheres.

    The glaciers ARE NOT melting

    They’re ADVANCING

    The media will not let you know.


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