This Mueller Grand Jury Witness Says Enough Is ENOUGH! – IOTW Report

This Mueller Grand Jury Witness Says Enough Is ENOUGH!

DAILY CALLER: On December 15, 2017, I spent the day testifying in Washington, D.C., in front of the Mueller Commission grand jury at the United States District Court. As Business Insider first reported in 2012, I was approached by Paul Manafort and Rick Gates to do public relations work for the Ukrainian government, and not to report said work to the Department of Justice as required by FARA laws. (I am the president of a large public relations firm in New York City.)

Manafort and Gates also implied they’d pay me off-shore.

Kyle R. Freeny, a special investigator in Mr. Mueller’s office, strongly urged me to do my patriotic duty, drop all my professional and personal responsibilities and appear immediately in front of the grand jury (about a short meeting held over five years ago which I vaguely remembered). I reluctantly woke up for a 6 a.m. shuttle flight and spent the day in court. Prior to that testimony, I shared the limited details during interviews with government investigators. I verified that I spoke with Manafort and Gates a few times in February and March 2012. I shared the handful of emails of which I was in possession and testified under oath that the emails were accurate.

After hours of repeating the same thing again and again, questions then veered into Russian names I’d never before heard (including Konstantin Kilimnik), and questions about previous work I have done for Russian oligarchs, confirming that I know Roger Stone, worked for Eric Trump’s Foundation in 2017 and more. (Yes, my New-York- City-born kids understand Russian as my ex-wife is Russian, and yes, they attend the same New York City school that Ivanka’s and Jared’s kids did.)

After being thanked profusely by Ms. Freeny and a series of stern-looking attorneys, alone, I exited the courtroom, ignored questions from the media outside the courthouse and took the ACELA back to my Park Avenue office. Not surprisingly, Manafort and Gates have been indicted, yet nothing has connected this matter to President Donald Trump. more here

5 Comments on This Mueller Grand Jury Witness Says Enough Is ENOUGH!

  1. Sputnik satellite just sent me message from
    Comrade Krushev: it says Mueller and Rosenstein are useful idiots, we need Hillary to make us Chai, leave them alone.

  2. “…If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious.” — Theodore Roosevelt – May 12, 1900

  3. I stole this comment from the story

    Did Hillary really destroy 30,000 subpoenaed emails, really? from an unsecured computer? really?? And she is skating free???
    If so – Then let us ALL AGREE that justice in America is a JOKE.

  4. The thing that pissed this guy off the most, and he cannot say it, is when he saw that the Grande Juree was nothing but a bunch of witless, rubber-stamp, monkey-time, DC layabouts who have no clue about anything being said.


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