This panhandler is rolling in dough – IOTW Report

This panhandler is rolling in dough


Panhandler Rejects Employer’s Job Offer Saying ‘I Make More Money Than Any of You’.

A car dealer in Michigan had to resort to posting a sign to warn customers not to donate cash to a local panhandler after the vagrant rejected the businessman’s offer of a job.

The sign was posted after the vagrant told the employer that he wouldn’t take the job because begging brings in more money than his job would, Fox 59 reported.

The sign at the Brighton, Michigan, Honda Dealer warned customers to avoid the panhandler because he rejected a $10 per hour job offer.

“Please do not give anything to this panhandler,” the sign read. “We offered him a full-time job at $10 per hour. He said, ‘I make more than any of you,’ and he did not want the job. Please donate to a more worthy cause.”

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16 Comments on This panhandler is rolling in dough

  1. Reminds me of a bum I saw at an intersection with a “Will work for food” sign. there was a Wendy’s on one corner and a Taco Bell on the other, both with help wanted signs.
    People were still giving him money?

  2. I saw a known Grand Central Station panhandler at a very expensive restaurant the night after I gave her $10 cause I belt sorry for her. I asked her for help with my student loans…

  3. I’m with Radio Man above; Watched a woman drop off an older man (probably his daughter, driving a near new mini-van). Watched him set up his flag and his “HOMELESS VET ” sign. Then she drove away, probably to come back to pick him up at 5. It’s his “job” to get people to give him $$$.

  4. To be honest, I also gave a panhandler $2 when he said he was hungry needed some food; when I came out of the store he was at the nearby Taco truck eating. I believe he was truly needy. So judge them on an individual basis. (and if anybody says ” don’t judge”, then what do ya think the panhandler’s doing as you’re walking away? NOT judging??)

  5. The car dealer dude is a dick. The bum is getting his money fair and square. If people are willing to give it to him, what’s it to you? It’s none of your damn business. I never ask a bum when he is panhandling what he intends to do with the money I give him. I either give it to him or not. I honestly could care less. It’s none of my business. My employer doesn’t harangue me on what I plan to spend my paycheck on.

  6. Im glad this was posted.

    I wanted to know what these guys are doing. The first time I saw one of them, I gave him enough money for a good, hot meal, while I had had only a sandwich for my lunch.

    Naive? Stupid? Does it really have to be classified?

  7. I’ve seen people give this one panhandler take out restaurant meals. The guy says thanks, the car drives off, the bum puts the meal in the ground behind him and the rats jump in like dolphins dancing.


    I understand being poor, out of work and destitute. I understand having zero friends and family to help you.
    Used to go house to house asking neighbors if I could pick up the litter on their lawn for spare change, graduated up to raking their leaves and cutting their lawn. Bought a pair of pants that were presentable and a blouse, walked into a fast food restaurant, asked for a job and got it. All I was missing were the required shoes. Walked over to Payless and brought the pair to the cashier. I was 50 cents short and she pitched in. I can’t say where I work now but it pays well and I live good.

    DO NOT GIVE THESE DIRTBAGS MONEY!! The are pros or crackheads. Plus, if you hold me up at a green light to give money to this filth, I WILL crap on your soul.

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