This Rabbit Hole Comes With a Map – IOTW Report

This Rabbit Hole Comes With a Map

@cancel.ian.carroll :
Do you know what the deadliest mass shooting in American history is? I feel like a ton of people, especially liberals don’t even know the answer. This story never comes up on the news for reasons that become… really obvious once you look into it. More to come on this

h/t Heaux

10 Comments on This Rabbit Hole Comes With a Map

  1. “especially liberals don’t even know the answer.”

    There are a number of reasons for this: They can’t think critically, they are lazy, their attention span is measured in nanoseconds, and they are purveyors of confirmation bias. But mostly, this is discounted and ignored because it does not feed into the narrative.

    Fifty years from now (if we are still around and know how to read) books will be written speculating on exactly that time half the country lost their minds and abandoned all reason.

  2. “There are a number of reasons for this: They can’t think critically,”

    I was browsing through the brain dead libtard bull shit on Reddit this morning and ran across a European post that was bitching and complaining about the large US military presence in Europe. All kinds of opinions on how they should kick us evil people off their soil. Primarily all Europeans participating with an occasional American Libtard apologizing for the fact that America even existed. I rarely answer these morons, but I couldn’t resist this one. I typed, “Conservative American here. And you’ll be happy to know that Americans overwhelmingly agree with you. We want our military all the way out of Europe and we also want out of NATO. Maybe if we can work together we can make this happen”. I GOT BLOCKED OUT OF THAT SUB REDDIT FOR BEING TOO ABRASIVE. I was agreeing with everything they said. There were over 250 comments and every one of them wanted the U.S. out of their little shit hole. Amazing.

  3. The guy doing these videos is really good. I’ve seen some of his other stuff and It’s all been awesome. What they are telling us happened in LV isn’t even a credible lie. We’re just not suppose to question it. Gotta find me that map.

  4. ^^^^^

    Thought experiment, if you worded it this way ,”I don’t mind American troops in Europe as long as they were under NATO control” I bet they all would be on board. They don’t mind the existence of our military as long as it is utilized properly, meaning Globalist first, America last.

  5. Rich

    I’ve led a sheltered life. LOL. Honestly I’ve never encountered Libtards on their own platform. I’m sure my mouth probably drops open every time I get on that zoo. However, they identify where you are located and send you “Sub Reddits”, posts, from your local area. These idiots are advertising three Tesla protests form Auburn all the way down to Elk Grove this week end. Law Enforcement should join. These are very violent little wimps. Meaning they are very dangerous. There’s a ton of nefarious shit posted on that place daily.

  6. I heard there was a SAW-249 belt feed machine gun in the “shooters” room. From my understanding it takes alot of training to operate that weapon.How did he get all those fire arms up there without detection ???

  7. How many of those reports of armed men are responders and citizens reacting? I see all those tall buildings around the parking lot and wonder how the sounds of the shoot echoed off and was reflected back into the concert venue.

    The human mind’s propensity to seek patterns often times leads down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory. I suggest not going there.


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