This Rosenstein Sound Bite Should Be The ONLY News – IOTW Report

This Rosenstein Sound Bite Should Be The ONLY News

RUSH: July 13th of this year, this is Rod Rosenstein press conference at the Department of Justice.

ROSENSTEIN: There’s no allegation in this document that any American citizen committed a crime. There’s no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.

RUSH: That was after an indictment of a whole bunch of Russians. I’m not gonna stop playing this, folks, because it’s all right there.


Now, go back and grab me sound bite 20. I don’t want anybody to ever forget this. I keep harping on it. To me, this is big. This is where I would not be qualified as a journalist in the Drive-By Media because, to me, this is the only story that’s worth anything on the day, July 13th. And this little 11-second sound bite, to me, is everything.

And the Drive-Bys, of course, they didn’t even report it. They didn’t comment on it. They didn’t amplify it. They didn’t even acknowledge it. It’s Rod Rosenstein on July 13th, Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 more Russians. And the indictments are very detailed about how they attempted to get into various computer networks, Democrat National Committee and all this other stuff.

Now, these indictments were pure PR because the people indicted are never gonna be served, they’re never gonna be extradited, they’re never gonna be in court. These charges are never gonna be tested. These were PR indictments so that Mueller could show that Russians were involved and that we’ve caught ’em. And Rod Rosenstein, after announcing all the details and the names of the Russians, said this.


8 Comments on This Rosenstein Sound Bite Should Be The ONLY News

  1. Trump, please, just endorse Mueller and help him. Instead of having him concentrate on you, have him expand his investigation to include all irregularities of the election. This would include all the actions of Hillary and Obama and put half of DC in jail as a consequence. That is the game they want to play so go with it.

  2. “Russian collusion” was simply the pretext for an open-ended dragnet operation. They’re now on to ancillary issues which take them into Trumps finances, family, etc. I think they want to put pressure on Trump to resign by coming after his family.

    We will still be fighting the merits of the Russian investigation and proving it’s a hoax, because it is, they will have moved on to something else, a whole new narrative. The terrifying thing is if they can do this to a President, they can do it to you or me.

    I really hope people are praying, earnestly. This is a far greater battle than “we’ll beat em in the next election.” The Psalms are very timely. Read Psalm 64.

  3. And none of this BS would be happening if Sessions didn’t allow RR to roll over him and appoint Mueller. This whole thing was a big gift to the left and has caused enormous damage to Trump by giving the media a target to focus their discontentment.
    Again, none of this would be happening without the tacit approval of Sessions.

  4. I STILL believe that Sessions and PDJT are playing the media for all they are worth.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. @Crackerbaby August 25, 2018 at 2:58 pm

    > I STILL believe that Sessions and PDJT are playing the media for all they are worth.

    And, when they screen the BIG FINALE? Ooh, all those swamp rats will look like game show losers! Only consolation prizes for them! Wah-wah.


  6. david7134 AUGUST 25, 2018 AT 12:23 PM
    “Trump, please, just endorse Mueller and help him. Instead of having him concentrate on you, have him expand his investigation to include all irregularities of the election.”

    Why, so Mueller can exonerate Hillary? Mueller is in cahoots with Hillary and the rest of the swamp; why would you want HIM to investigate HER?


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