This SHOCKING Poll Explains The Media’s Crafting Of Public Perception – IOTW Report

This SHOCKING Poll Explains The Media’s Crafting Of Public Perception

They think the Right is misinformed? Please.

1 Comment on This SHOCKING Poll Explains The Media’s Crafting Of Public Perception

  1. They did it again. “They” are the Democrats. They bankrupted America when they forced the banks to give home loans to high-risk buyers. All of the loans were sold globally as “junk bonds” and it nearly collapsed the global economy. It was the collapse of the banking industry. But that wasn’t good enough because we recovered. So they are doing it again. This time they are using COVID to collapse the recovery that Trump has delivered. They (Democrats) don’t want a healthy nation of free people. They want total control over every aspect of everyone’s life. Nothing less. They have become the epitome of evil.


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