This Son-of-a Mailman is thinking about 2020 – IOTW Report

This Son-of-a Mailman is thinking about 2020


The largest super PAC to back Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign has been quietly emailing his supporters over the last couple of months to promote the governor’s positions on national issues and soliciting donations.

Kasich recently embarked on a tour promoting a new campaign-style book and is widely thought within political circles to be positioning himself to challenge President Trump in the 2020 election.  more

28 Comments on This Son-of-a Mailman is thinking about 2020

  1. He’s delusional. Utterly out of his mind, out of touch, surrounded by a few butt-lickers who tell him he’s awesome, when actually he’s loathed on the left AND the right.

  2. He’s not positioning himself to challenge Trump. He’s positioning himself to challenge Pence, because he’s pretty sure that Trump will be impeached or dead before 2020. Nevertrumpers never quit, even though some of them pretend to now support PDT. You can hear the hope in their voices every time a leak or fake news purports to nail his administration. I hate these people worse than leftists.

  3. oh pullleeeaaase, not another ninth tier candidate. Give it up Kasich, in a national election your toast. Your a legend in your own mind. If my memory is correct, you carried only one state in the primaries last year. What makes you think your a viable candidate?

  4. John you barely won your own state and lasted to the end because you weren’t a threat to Trump. No one on either side is interested in the bipartisan lets cross the line crap anymore. And even voters in Ohio have grown weary of your compassionate liberal governing.

  5. This is why we must never forget that we’re still in the opening minutes of the first quarter. Electing Trump/Pence was just the coin toss in favor of our team. If you haven’t called, tweeted or emailed your reps and let them have it over this do-nothing Congress, times a’wasting.

  6. I liked the guy. He was fairly conservative and didn’t make an ass out of himself in the race ………….UNTIL he took $700,000 from George SOROS who is truly a wretched person with fingerprints all over violence in our country!!!!!!

  7. His grand announcement coincides with the RINO Herd Donothings NOT draining the Swamp, NOT repealing ACA, NOT imprisoning Shiterly, NOT producing a plan and funding for a majority of 2000 miles of Southern Wall, NOT reforming Civil Asset Forfeiture but enlarging it, NOT returning Musloid invaders and admitting persecuted Christians, NOT defending States’ Rights, NOT planning, funding and implementing modernization of our Strategic Deterrent, and NOT EVER THINKING OF reestablishing a national fallout shelter system for citizens.

    Why haven’t RINOs become extinct? Instead of hiding under a rock, or better, applying for a letter carrier position, is a prototypical RINO floating a 2020 campaign?

    It is because the UniParty doesn’t believe we are serious. Now why is that?

  8. So AssItch says he wants a bill that won’t make the same error as Obamacare because Obamacare was not bipartisan. If it was a mistake to pass a bill with all Democrats and no Republicans, wouldn’t the perfect remedy be to pass a bill with all Republicans and no Democrats?

  9. I’m convinced of the solidarity of the GOP and the D’s in ousting the biggest threat they’ve faced in 60+ years — not the Ruskies, not islam, but Trump. There are trillions of dollars on the line and a whole hell of a lot of money is sitting in Congressmen and -women’s bank accounts because they’re the biggest collection of weak, corrupt people outside of those frauds in Brussels.

    Just read an article yesterday about how the GOP guv of either MA or CT (does it matter?) is colluding with the state Democrats to run a fake Trumper against one of their federal reps or senator so that the D’s can strut over winning against the Trump movement. This is in exchange for the guv being reelected. So angry at these people. Such naked dishonesty.

  10. I guess Kasich is only important in his own mind. Lmao ! :

    A new poll from Morning Consult will give Republican governors across the country a reason to smile on Tuesday morning: the 11 most popular governors in the U.S. are all Republicans.

    Even better for Republicans: four of those 11 governors are leading states that Hillary Clinton won in 2016 (in bold below).

    #1: Charlie Baker (R-MA): 71% approval, 17% disapproval
    #2: Larry Hogan (R-MD): 68% approval, 16% disapproval
    #3: Matt Mead (R-WY): 67% approval, 15% disapproval
    #4: Doug Burgum (R-ND): 66% approval, 15% disapproval
    #5: Dennis Daugaard (R-SD): 65% approval, 25% disapproval
    #6: Kay Ivey (R-AL): 64% approval, 13% disapproval
    #7: Brian Sandoval (R-NV): 62% approval, 21% disapproval
    #8: Phil Scott (R-VT): 62% approval, 23% disapproval
    #9: Gary Herbert (R-UT): 61% approval, 28% disapproval
    #10 (tie): Bill Haslam (R-TN): 60% approval, 23% disapproval
    #10 (tie): Asa Hutchinson (R-AR): 60% approval, 23% disapproval
    Three of those four Clinton states – Massachusetts, Maryland, and Vermont – are deep-blue states that have picked Democrats for president for years.

    Although no Democratic governors make the top-11 list, two Democratic governors did make it into the bottom-10 list, of least popular governors:

    #41: Gina Raimondo (D-RI): 43% approval, 47% disapproval
    #48: Dan Malloy (D-CT): 29% approval, 64% disapproval
    Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) is the least popular governor in the nation, with 69 percent of New Jersey voters disapproving of his job performance.

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