This too shall Backfire – IOTW Report

This too shall Backfire

Patriot Retort: So the News Media, Democrats and Hollywood finally got religion.

You see, Jesus would have demanded the Federal Government not separate illegal alien children from their illegal alien parents.

Of this these godless, hateful Leftists are certain.

The abortion thing, however, Jesus is fine with that, so don’t worry.

Watching MSNBC’s Ali Velshi reading from the Bible didn’t have the desired effect on me. In fact, the first thing that popped into my head was Matthew 4.

I wonder if Reverend Velshi knows that passage?

Yeah, even the devil made use of God’s word to try and tempt Jesus.

But that’s neither here nor there.

For me, the biggest takeaway from the Left’s embrace of the Bible is they are well on their way to yet another Operation Backfire.

If you don’t know Operation Backfire, I explain it HERE

Trust me when I tell you that this incessant, frantic caterwauling about “ripping families apart” is going to backfire.

Actually, I think the backfire has already begun.

As I always say, the Left pushes too hard and too far.

And the truth is, we don’t have to lift a finger to combat them.  MORE HERE

11 Comments on This too shall Backfire

  1. MSNBC is fullcourt sobfest today.
    It’s being recorded.
    Mariana ‘Duct Tape Roof’ Atencio
    And Jacob ‘Sobfest’ Soboroff
    Tag Teaming Triple Time
    ‘Your Kids are next’
    Their Lies and Deception
    Recorded and Transcribed
    NBC. Nazi Blue Clan
    ‘Never Again’
    Cry Me a River

  2. These are the same people who booed God at their convention, right?

    Their concern for children is manufactured hysterics. They all support the torture of children before they are ripped out from their mother’s during abortion.

  3. My solution to these families…stop breaking our laws sneaking into our country and we won’t have to deport you or worse. The entire fault for this situation lies clearly at the feet of the criminal parents.

    So Democrats, you want to tell us the rule of law does not count? You won’t like it when we round you up on false charges, imprison you, deny you legal representation and then horribly torture you to death. Do you now see why we have the Constitution and follow the rule of law, and not your selective non enforcement of it.

    Go the Hell Democrats with your defense of murder by abortion! You have the unmitigated gall to invoke God when you support the murder of innocents? Unreal, get behind me Satan.


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