This topic is so gross, I can’t even write a title about it – IOTW Report

This topic is so gross, I can’t even write a title about it


Patriot Retort: A Fake Hillary Sex Tape? There’s not enough yuck in the world.

Lupus was batting me around like a cat toy last night. So I was awake in the wee hours.

My mistake was going on Twitter where – much to my horror — I learned this:

“Exclusive: Russia’s troll farm pushed a fake Hillary Clinton sex tape on Reddit, Imgur, Pornhub, SpankBang. Over 250,000 people saw it. And it’s still up on the internet.”

A Hillary sex tape? Good grief.

To quote Cordelia Chase: “There’s not enough yuck in the world.”

Who were these two hundred and fifty thousand people who wanted to watch a Hillary sex tape – even a fake Hillary sex tape? MORE

42 Comments on This topic is so gross, I can’t even write a title about it

  1. That’s what doctors showed to men having erections lasting more than four hours. It’s more effective than sitting in a tub of ice water. How sad that a quarter million poor bastards had to go through that.

  2. Probably a pre-emptive move by Team Hillary so when the real one comes out, they can dismiss it as “fake.”

    Hey, she’s a known felon. I’m free to think what I want about it.

  3. This is a fake new . To keep the Americans people to put attention to what happen today. Nunes receive the paper work a few minutes ago and isn’t redacted Waiting for the news to see what the hell the FBI and DOJ didn’t want us to see.

  4. Warning: the following should not be read out loud to children or by people w/ weak ‘dispositions’ … you’ve been warned!

    heard on the local radio talk show this morning that Larry Flint did a video in 2014(?) called ‘Nailin’ Palin’ … in it she had a three-way w/ …..

    … wait for it ……

    Condi Rice & the Hildabeast

    hey! at least it wasn’t w/ the Moose!

  5. I’m a little late to the party…..but when I saw willysgoatgruff’s link, i thought no f’ing way am I clicking that. I don’t have many years left and I don’t want to taint the memory bank.

    Then I saw the thumbs and went for it.

    That Willy is quite a guy!

  6. This sounds like a plan by the alphabet warriors to get cis-deplorables to self-shadow ban porn. I mean, not that I’d even to look, but if I saw a “Hillary Sex Tape” in one of my GILF feeds, I’d never go back.

  7. The tape is fake.
    How do I know?

    Because it’s a dude.
    Hillary is not going to bang a dude, and especially
    not a black dude. She’s as racist as they come.

    That, and when you freeze frame on the face, it’s not her.

  8. Also no self respecting Black Man would do it.
    “Naa, I’m aaight”
    Then he would quote Jeanine Garrafalo from Mystery Men:
    “Sorry, there’s not enough beer in the world”

  9. Possible uses, counter to an o.d. of e.d. meds. 100% viable. A way to induce vomiting. Probably works faster than epicac. The only other thing I can come up with is to use it to strengthen ones resolve to commit suicide. Not a handy use but there you go.

  10. Willy – Due to some serious medical/personal/family issues, I’m not involved in the day/day operation any more. Two years ago, I was in the 99 percentile for mortality at KU Med Center. And then last summer i had a major setback. It’s been a long journey to get back to where I am….and still have a ways to go. And I live by myself. Just seeing the sun in the a.m. is wonderful and a blessing of my life.

    Right now when I have the energy I’m trying to put my reloading bench back together. It’s a mess.
    If you have a magic wand….that would help. I look forward to being able to shoot with you, but want to do it right. Gimme some time.


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