“This will not end well for the Wilkerson family” – IOTW Report

“This will not end well for the Wilkerson family”

CTH: The Washington Post interviews Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of the Red Hen restaurant, who kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out for holding political views Ms. Wilkinson finds abhorrent.  The expressed hypocrisy is typical of the progressive worldview.



This will not end well for the Wilkerson family, their business interests, or the employees who found their tender sensibilities too triggered by the appearance of a Trump supporter in their restaurant.

The intersection of business and politics is littered with the carcases of failed enterprise who made similar decisions. The NFL, Macy’s, Starbucks, Target, etc. The list is long and the stupid is strong. Never underestimate the ability of a public business to destroy itself. No policy is ever idiot-proof, merely idiot resistant; and there are always newer, bigger and more stupid idiots even in the sandwich business.

In the mind of a far-left progressive they believe their insane political perspectives are the only views that matter. They consistently over-estimate their geographical support, and find their need for superiority such that it affords them a bizarre moral right to force their positions upon others.

Control is a reaction to fear. Think in terms or politics and society – the fear behind liberalism is the fear that someone might withhold things (opportunities, money, whatever) from me.

Fear that if you live your life in a way I dislike that it might affect my life; fear that if you get that job, there will be nothing left for me. Fear that if you make tons of money, it’s means there’s less money out there for me.

So people who believe in liberal ideologies seek control as a means of trying to create guarantees and safeguards against those circumstances they fear. Liberals try to control the world and people to enable their comfort and happiness. Which, as we know, is an endless quest.  more

44 Comments on “This will not end well for the Wilkerson family”

  1. WH Press Secretary refused service at Virginia restaurant…
    Because the owner is a Democrat,
    The best way to get new business,
    Kick out all the customers you have now
    Put up a sign; conservatives not welcome,
    Red Hen is owned by one dumb pucker !

  2. why does that moronic family equate trannies with gays? Why do gays allow themselves to be lumped in with trannies? Trannies have severe emotional and mental problems. Is that what you want serving in the military or as your psychiatrist?

    What if a Trump supporting gay Conservative walked into that restaurant that night? Same thing? Well, Milo, make sure you don’t go anywhere near that restaurant. And if voting for Trump is enough to set off some crazy shit at that place, imagine if one day if her “I have gay” staff is annoyed with a group of beautiful straight women. Are they going to throw those cis-bitches out from jealousy? Meow!

    Hey it’s her family’s right to lose money and offend people. lol.
    I just wish they had the balls to put up a no Trump sign, this way people know not to go in (left with pro-Trump guests, and right with gay guest, as an example) because you don’t know what they would do to your food. Crazy affects everyone.

  3. People who support Trump are not a protected class.

    Homo and transgender – protected class.
    Blacks – protected class
    Wimmins almost a protected class

    Caucasians – not a protected class
    Smokers not a protected class
    White boys, not a protected class
    Christians, not a protected class

    You know better than to attack someone for their personal convictions. Owners have the right to refuse service to anybody for any reason, as long as the customer is NOT in a protected class.

    8 ball in the side pocket

  4. Wait till word gets out the food prep is done by queers! Excuse me waitress but my food smells a little funny and it has an odd taste.
    Are you having trouble with your sewage system by any chance?

  5. What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
    Except most conservative restaurant owners know better than to exclude and vilify 50 percent of their clientele

  6. I wonder how she would react if one of her suppliers pulled the same shit on her? Say, her Liquor Wholesaler decided to stop doing business with her because she discriminated against Sarah and the rest of us Deplorables? I bet she would howl about that !

  7. This collective insanity from business owners appears to be growing. Which is great. It’s like when a suicide bomber accidentally blows himself up.

    Funny. There were lots of business owners that didn’t like or care to participate in Obama’s insane policies. Either they kept their mouths shut or the same foam flecked crazy people took them to court.

    Huckabee Sanders should take Red Hen to court. Discrimination should not be tolerated. It would be an
    Interesting case and a shot across the bow. We will not be bullied by our inferiors. Same goes with all the recent recipients of rudeness and threats.

  8. If you had to of used your imagination to picture what this family looked like before seeing them you would not be shocked to see they were exactly like you envisioned after they were revealed to you.
    Right down to the pussy hats.

  9. There’ll be a temporary upbeat in business at this place, then all the Trump haters will realize how grezzy the food is and how horrible it is to eat chicken that isn’t raised on a strict vegan diet and only butchered after it’s expired of natural causes out in the barn yard and stop going there to eat.

  10. When this owner goes broke she will blame her failure on DJT’s policies toward gays. It’s almost a certainty that she will not claim any personal responsibility for her actions.
    It is now a fact that pussy hats are a definite sign of insanity.

  11. Dr. Tar,

    She even said that she’s not that worried because he clientele are mostly in town people and they’re ‘very aware’ of what she is. So that means she thinks her business will be okay because she thinks everyone in town thinks just like her. LOL.

  12. Ought to make it a conservative hang-out.

    Go in, order coffee only, take up a table for a couple hours.

    When time to leave, put a note that says “penny for your thought”…leave a penny.

  13. I think their policy of denying service is wrong.
    I do applaud their new policy of not needing to be a customer to use the bathroom or hang out, though. Just heard about that. I think that is great!

  14. Better to know your enemies than to suspect them.
    I hope all the anti-American, anti-truth, anti-Christians, anti-humans declare themselves – it makes it much easier.
    (easier to avoid them, not … like … y’know … if the shit should hit the fan)

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Gee Wally, so much for the tolerance of the Left… couched as so-called “standards”!

    Right you are Beave! By the way, where is this place anyway?

    I think it’s the first Left turn after you pass the Potomac Fairy…

  16. Stephanie Wilkinson is the director of Main Street Lexington. I went to their Facebook page and found the following comment. Others confirmed that it is true. Looks like the Red Hen is doubling down on stupid.

    :Call and listen to what The Red Hen restaurant voicemail recording it telling people? Is this the kind of business you are supporting in your beautiful city?? “If you are a Trump supporter, or smell like a Trump supporter you will be kicked out as we did Sara Sanders . F President Trump.!” Then the mailbox is full! 540-464-4401.


  17. “The Little Red Hen is an old folk tale of the fable type, most likely of Russian origin.
    The story is applied in teaching children the virtues of work ethic and personal initiative.” Wiki
    Enough irony to make an anvil.™

  18. Alan June 24, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    Sarah was fortunate in this situation. Would you want someone that hated you preparing your meal?

    DH said the same thing. Remember the story and video that got posted here of a waitress who stuck a hot dog up her vagina and served it to a customer who wasn’t being pleasant? We rarely eat out any more, I don’t trust people with my food. You don’t know if they’re coming to work pissed off or happy. I won’t take my chances. Let’s hope this **** gets what she deserves. Break her!

  19. @Toby Miles: I wouldn’t be surprised if someone went into the Little Red Hen’s restroom, took a big dump and smeared it all over the walls! One way to get even. They’d have to close the restaurant down for deep cleaning.

  20. By that wonderful democrat Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, a business owner can choose the product or service they provide, but not who they provide it to. Hang the witch by her side’s own petard.

  21. It’s another reminder that the Left is unstable, irrational and unworthy of trust. (Not serving me food.)

    Tolerance?! Dutifully doing your job regardless of whom its for, on account of diversity is nirvana?!

    Take this as another official notice that you can’t live with or in the vicinity of these insane wackjobs. Run from them!

  22. I think I’d prefer if all restaurant or food service places would post a large sign as to which groups of people they don’t want to have within, or that they are thinking of poisoning. That would save everyone any embarrassing fist in the mouth, or kick in the lower extremities trouble that might ensue. Really if they are so snowflakey, they need to be honest, if they can, and post a warning, in large print, to keep their feelings from being crumpled by thoughtless customers who may not be aware of their cone of “safeplace” borders.

  23. “I wouldn’t be surprised if someone went into the Little Red Hen’s restroom, took a big dump and smeared it all over the walls! One way to get even. They’d have to close the restaurant down for deep cleaning.”

    That’s pretty much a socialist-type of “aktion.”
    And I doubt they’d close the place for that – it’s probably like that as we type. Pissing in the soup, not washing up, blowing snot-balls in the beans, spitting in the salad – all pretty much SOP for them.

    I worked in an Army Mess Hall when in High School and in various eateries as a plumber – so I don’t eat in restaurants if I can help it.

    izlamo delenda est …


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