This wretched witch needs to curb her incendiary rhetoric – IOTW Report

This wretched witch needs to curb her incendiary rhetoric

Patriot Retort:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had only been in Congress less than two months when I realized that this wretched woman isn’t “stupid-funny,” but “stupid-dangerous.”

Sure, she might have started out as stupid-funny. Heaven knows people on the Right have made a cottage industry of lampooning her for her lack of smarts or common sense.

But the truth is, it didn’t take long to realize that her stupidity isn’t a laughing matter.

She is a deeply dangerous, wretched little witch whose reckless rhetoric brings out the very worst in people.

This nasty little harridan discovered early on that she can use her radical, devoted social media followers to attack and harass anyone who criticized her. And she makes full use of the “quote-tweet” function on Twitter to direct her army of crazies at her target. more

16 Comments on This wretched witch needs to curb her incendiary rhetoric

  1. The problem comes when she grows up and becomes Nancy Pelosi.

    Then people get really hurt. Progressist, Liberal, and demothink has really really really fu$@&d us over in 2021 gulag America, with stolen elections, defecation covered streets, and lost truths that are no longer self-evident.

    Sorry but we’re effed America and obsolete.

  2. @ Sarthurk JANUARY 31, 2021 AT 11:42 AM

    “LBS, You crack me up! Cheers! Scotch for Breakfast. All the beer is gone Dammit!”

    Breakfast beers with a big breakfast burrito on a weekend morning, even without football, are the best!

    Sarthurk, how did you allow yourself to run out of beer?!

  3. Hunter, I have guests, and have no control over the consumption of such beverages, and them as well. Somebody’s going to be sent to the store, soon.
    Working on sausage links, eggs, and hash browns.
    Praise the Lord, it’s Sunday, and a time of rest. Or, I might go to the rifle range for some recoil therapy. Yanno, that K98 might be the reason my right shoulder is all FUBAR’d. That rifle packs a wallop! I’ll have to see if the ’03’A3 does the same. It should.

  4. Be nice to her and maybe she won’t hurt you, she’s already earned her place as a permanent member of Congress and one of your rulers.

    Get used to the brave new world we have entered and act accordingly, there is no way to get out of it.

  5. When you look at these demons it is quite simple to observe Lucifers complete control over them.

    The demonic hate vomit that spews from their pie holes is indicative of the demons they carry in their dark depraved souls.

    It does not matter what end of the IQ scale they occupy becsuse Satan has a use for them all.

    This creature is an imbecile as is the child molester in the Whitehouse, neither have the intelligence of a pre schooler.

    They are infants in adult bodies screaming like toddlers having hissy fits because its their demons talking not their intellects.

  6. So why don’t the Republicans find out the stuff she is doing, like Piglosi does.. I think the pig has a file on everyone in Washington that she uses to quite dissension. So step it up GOP. Look into what these radicals are doing or the future doesn’t look bright.

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