Thomas Sowell: ‘Before compassion kicked in, there was greater equality’ – IOTW Report

Thomas Sowell: ‘Before compassion kicked in, there was greater equality’

American Spectator:

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6 Comments on Thomas Sowell: ‘Before compassion kicked in, there was greater equality’

  1. One of my good friends is a black guy that did a stint in the army, a bad ass Ranger, got out a took a job stacking pallets at a metal distributor we use. Five years later he was general manager. We talk often about race relations and WTF happened. The original metal supplier he worked for got gobbled up by Reliance Metal, huge, and now he drive truck for them. Making bank. He always shows up wearing a MAGA hat. I asked him once if Reliance ever asked him to stop wearing that hat. He told me nope, but the union has. I told them to fuck off. A great man.

  2. Finally calling the elephant in the room an elephant. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Sowell. His essay should also include commentary about the difference in culture then and now. It’s all “game the system” now instead of national pride. It was brought in by immigrants – some not illegal – and Foreign Socialists. The outbreak of Hedonism didn’t help.

  3. Kinder, gentler, economic slavery. Our guvner – Wolf-in-sheeple’s-clothing (PA) wants to raise our minimum wage to $12/hr. 🙄

    Apparently, he’s B-I-G on UN-employment… 😳

  4. Professor Sowell makes the effort to separate the wheat from the chaff.
    Not many do.
    There’s much more money to be made on the side of socialist/racist mendacity.

    That fuckin putrid lick-spittle Krugman has made a fortune spreading the gospel of socialism (nihilistic totalitarianism).

    Professor Sowell is that rare specimen: an honest (and honorable) Academician.
    (despite his antipathy towards President Trump)

    izlamo delenda est …


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