Those Incurious “Reporters” – IOTW Report

Those Incurious “Reporters”

Patriot Retort-

Call me naïve, all this time I thought it was a reporter’s job to ask questions and dig for answers. But apparently I was wrong. For political “reporters” in 2020, remaining entirely incurious is the order of the day.

When faced with a major-party Presidential candidate who hides in his basement during the final two months of campaign season, these incurious reporters seem ill-equipped to ask a single valid question or, more importantly, dig for answers.

President Trump has been flying around the country holding outdoor campaign rallies to crowds of thousands.  Biden, on the other hand, peeks his head out of his hidey-hole to read a prepared speech to a half dozen “supporters” and an army of incurious pool reporters then disappears again into his basement.

Now, a reporter who isn’t an incurious flack would dig into this anemic campaign and figure out why Team Biden is keeping Joe under wraps. more

12 Comments on Those Incurious “Reporters”

  1. Article on American Thinker today states that an anonymous campaign aide has left the child molesters campaign due to the cover up of the gropers dementia.

    Apparently the reason he runs away after very short public events is not because he won’t answer questions from a fawning media, but because he will publicly piss his pants due to medical side affects from his dementia medication.

    Apparently one of the main side affects is urinary incontinence. .

  2. ´´all this time I thought it was a reporter’s job to ask questions´´
    YET Another example of why these people should not be referred to as reporters.
    Journalism is a dying skill in America ……..

  3. Hey Cisco, did some digging and found the American Thinker blog entry you cited. Interesting and believable. So, went to the source site. That place is a frigging mess!

    If there is any truth to this account, hopefully more reliable sourcing will crop up soon.

    One thing I most certainly agree with from their posting: We are witnessing a horribly despicable example of extreme elder abuse. All for the sake of unadulterated power. If he were my dad, uncle, or brother, I’d be all up in the face of that unloving harridan of his…doing my dead-level best to remove her from a position of harm!

    I’ve never liked nor respected Biden. Have always believed him to be a stupid, incompetent, opportunist…and maybe brain damaged from those aneurysms he suffered back in the 80s. He’s always been a reliably useful tool of the progs. Still, he does not deserve what they are now doing to him. No one does.


  4. This We Defend…..I disagree with you. I want Biden to suffer and look more stupid then he truly is. I also want him to piss and shit himself on live TV. I also believe he deserves that humiliation, mostly because he represents the democrat party…..

  5. @This We Defend SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 AT 11:00 AM
    ‘Hey Cisco, did some digging and found the American Thinker blog entry you cited. Interesting and believable.”

    I couldn’t find the story; could you provide a link?


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