Thoughts and Prayers for Anti-Gun Freaks Grieving Over Death of The Narrative – IOTW Report

Thoughts and Prayers for Anti-Gun Freaks Grieving Over Death of The Narrative

The synchronized leftist response to this latest attack on normal Christians was pre-planned, and it didn’t matter that this time it was another militant atheist weirdo instead of an ISIS-loving foreigner. The memes and the lies were all prepped and ready, and the villain was already chosen. No surprise – once again, it was you, the normal American who keeps and bears arms to protect yourself, your family, your community and your Constitution.

But this time it didn’t go the way they wanted. Sure, they were giddy at first – the liberals got to trash people of faith for praying, they got to tell NRA members that there was blood on their hands, and they got to demand some sort of unspecified action. But then their lying narrative took a bunch of rounds and bled out just like that useless little creep.

That’s what they are really mourning – the loss of what they saw as an opportunity to spread their poisonous lies in support of their effort to disarm Americans and change us once and for all from citizens into subjects.

Some still found something to cheer about. One Twitter low-life pointed out, “Sutherland Springs is in rural Texas, these were all likely 45 voters. This is karma in action. Good riddance.” Yes, that’s the kind of person who wants you disarmed, the kind that thinks it’s A-OK to murder little kids because their parents might like a different candidate.

Show of hands. Who is up to give up your ability to protect yourself because the same people who celebrate us being murdered demand it? Anyone? Hello? Bueller?

Once the news hit, the ghouls rubbed their hands and started with their coordinated demands that we “do something.” But did you notice how no one said exactly what we were supposed to do? That’s their new thing – no specifics, just some sort of ambiguous, amorphous demand that we wave a magic wand and dispel evil from our midst. They’ve been burned before, hard. They always start babbling about background checks and it always turns out that the scumbag got his guns legally or passed the check when he shouldn’t have. This pudgy meat sack was barred from buying a weapon, but he passed the background check because the government – you know, the same entity the gun-grabbers want to be the only people with guns – again screwed up and failed to put his domestic violence conviction into the database. BTW, want to know how many attempted illegal gun buyers Obama’s DoJ prosecuted out of 48,000? 44.  MORE

20 Comments on Thoughts and Prayers for Anti-Gun Freaks Grieving Over Death of The Narrative

  1. ” “Sutherland Springs is in rural Texas, these were all likely 45 voters. This is karma in action. Good riddance.”

    This person should buy a gun. When the shit starts they’ll need it. Do they not think the right is keeping track? Quick to be exterminated.

  2. Yeah Brad, owning a gun is one thing. Having a permit (in New York) is another thing. Shooting a bad guy is another thing in New York or New Jersey. You may be justified, but it’s going to cost you. The lawyers will rape you, take every penny you have. Here, you are better off getting robbed or shot to death, than defending yourself. And that’s a fucking fact!
    I can’t change it, I only have one vote.

  3. Once and for all listen:

    The douchebag didn’t obtain the firearm legally because he passed a “background check” that wasn’t properly verified. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. This asshole would have obtained exactly what he had illegally, because it’s a heard heart that kills and anyone intent on being evil isn’t going to let a “background check” even slow them down.

    His mission was to feel good by making others feel bad. This is the liberal mental state. It’s a disease. Most of the time it’s incurable.


    Government CAN’T remove a right they didn’t bestow. God gives us our rights. It’s up to our free will to defend them 24/7/365.

    Hey libtards… (hint) conservatives are winning.

  4. Moe Tom,

    Make your own gun. There are kits that are legal to buy online.

    When you smoke some fool, leave the gun on top of the corpse after removing your prints (or use gloves).

    Or give yourself a two-fer and smoke a lawyer and do the above. 😉

  5. Tommy. You need to get your bride the hell out of that town. You get ready to load the truck post it here. I’ll show up to help and I know for a fact at least two others will. Look at Prescott.

  6. Tsunami, if you’re referring to 80% kits, be aware that in the post-confiscation world all those non-firearm parts it takes to finish it will likely be hard to come by. Plan accordingly.

    Me, I gave up on guns after the tragic boating accident. I won’t have anything left to confiscate.

  7. Liberals should insist that those who own firearms be put on double secret probation list. That will never backfire. Then they should post signs with a shape of a gun within the international “no” symbol (i.e. crossed out red circle).

    That will work. We will never ever again have a massacre by a psychopath. /end sarcasm

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