Thousands Amass in Front of Huntington Beach Pier to Protest Newsom’s Order to Close Orange County Beaches (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Thousands Amass in Front of Huntington Beach Pier to Protest Newsom’s Order to Close Orange County Beaches (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit: Crazed Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday retaliated against the citizens of his state and closed all beaches in Orange County amid the Coronavirus panic.

Newsom announced Thursday a “hard close” of all beaches in Orange County and called out Newport specifically after tens of thousands flocked to the OC shoreline amid a heatwave last weekend.

Thousands gathered in front of the Huntington Pier on Friday to protest Newsom’s order.

Huntington Beach, dubbed Surf City USA, is known for its surfing and counterculture. more

21 Comments on Thousands Amass in Front of Huntington Beach Pier to Protest Newsom’s Order to Close Orange County Beaches (VIDEO)

  1. Watch out Cali

    Newsom has fleets of Silicon Ally Drones


    Spraying mists of Agent Orange Juice


  2. “White House press secretary Kaleigh McEnany defended President Trump’s Friday tweets siding with Michigan protesters, some whom were armed.

    “The President was referencing, generally, that in this country, you have a First Amendment right to protest. That’s something we all treasure,” McEnany said during her first press briefing. “You have a right to do that, constitutionally, but you must protest within the bounds of the law. He encourages everyone to protest lawfully and also to engage in our social distancing guidelines which we think all Americans should engage in.”

    Asked if she had any response to images of protesters facing off with law enforcement, McEnany repeated that protesters must demonstrate within the bounds of the law.

    CNN previously reported that Trump sided with protesters for their effort to reopen parts of the state after Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extended her emergency declaration keeping some businesses shuttered amid the coronavirus pandemic.

    “The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire,” Trump wrote on Friday. “These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal.””

    Mich., Calif, and other states do need to listen and make a deal. If the tyrant wannabes don’t respond reasonably and allow the freedom for people to get their lives back, and quickly. Protesting within the bounds of the law as cautioned by WH press secretary Kaleigh McEnany will probably not last long, and be cancelled.

    It’s a pity when Kaleigh McEnany was asked by Associated Press reporter Jill Colvin, “Will you pledge to never lie to us from that podium?”

    She missed the opportunity to respond with a question back to Jill Colvin, “I will never lie to you. You have my word on that. Will you and your associates also pledge to never lie about what is said from this podium?”

    And only replied with, “I will never lie to you. You have my word on that.”

    Hopefully Kaleigh McEnany gets better quickly in the future. CNN and the other usual offenders are already claiming she has told numerous lies.

  3. Two thoughts: 1. People sought relief from a “heat wave” by going to the beaches. Those who have it and can afford it, stayed home with their air conditioning and swimming pools.
    Elite much?

    2. SoCal residents protest for beach access and mid-westerners protest for reopening their businesses and workplaces.

    Two Americas.

  4. Every single mainstream blog I read the commenters all sing the same tune to call those who protest our current state of martial law, “IDIOTS!”

    I have stopped attempting to reason with them and explain why these protests are happening. I quit reading those blogs entirely. My blood pressure was near boiling. I figured if I could just get thru to one person to help them understand reason it would be worth it. Nah, it’s a lost cause, sadly. I haven’t had so many personal insults and threats lobbed at me since 4th grade.

  5. “”People do not change, they are merely revealed.” —Anne Enright

    Most cities these days have online neighborhood sites where people post relevant facts or questions close to home:…These online complainants rage against all the inconsiderate people who are not “following the rules.” They get responses like “Call the police.” One might think they were all brought up in Ceaușescu’s Romania, where even children were taught to report their own parents’ verbal deviations from the party line…

    This is why seeing those SoCal beach-goers fighting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s orders to close the beaches is such a relief. All Americans need to remember how and why this country came into being. It was not to be treated like subjects of minor dictators. We should all remember that these governor-ordered rules do not, cannot have the force of law….” .

  6. Tone-deaf moron doesn’t get that there are millions of SoCal residents and visitors that dutifully work & wait all year just to spend the summer season at the CA coast, and a stupid little virus isn’t going to stop them.
    Fuck anyone who interferes, including gruesome nuisance.

  7. Asked if she had any response to images of protesters facing off with law enforcement, McEnany repeated that protesters must demonstrate within the bounds of the law.

    And only replied with, “I will never lie to you. You have my word on that.”

    How can such a little xirl? Sport such a yuge a bowtie?

  8. Where are the antifa sissies? Oh, that’s right…underneath their masks and black duds, they’re a bunch of sniveling sissies who do what they’re told by the Democrats. They’re all sitting in the basement while their parents are in the streets at Huntington Beach. Stop, hey what’s that sound, it’s mom and dad screaming at the stupid lockdown..

  9. Mrs. Kravitz, monitoring the traffic web cams, calls the Toll Free Stasi Reporting Line:

    “Quick. Somebody Do Something. See CAM #7,643,382,917,753.
    That group by the white car”

  10. Anonymous/owe my balls, whatever you are this week
    – Yeah within the law. As in don’t shoot anyone or fight people, physically, etc.
    What’s the problem with that? Don’t clown her just off the first presser.

  11. But when rioters tried to burn down Asian owned businesses back in ‘92 the business owners had to defend themselves. But people going to the beach? The police are there in force. Oh, but you don’t need a gun because the police are there to protect you.

    I am getting the feeling that this power grab is going to backfire.

  12. I live 30 min from there in a Reagan city. None of the folk here have been “locked down” almost none are Freetos Banditos.
    Just because the GOP is “run” by leftists does not mean the people are. Had the GOP not run a liberal “Carpet bagger” Mafia Gav would not be Guv!


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