Thousands fill D.C. city streets for ‘Million MAGA March’ – IOTW Report

Thousands fill D.C. city streets for ‘Million MAGA March’

Just The News: Thousands of pro-Trump supporters mobbed the D.C. city streets on Saturday as part of a “Million MAGA March” meant to show support for the president and protest what marchers claim is a rigged election in favor of Biden. 

Photos from the even showed large crowds marching and milling about in downtown Washington. Liberal counter-protesters were reported to be in attendance as well. 

President Trump made a motorcade appearance at the event earlier in the day, fulfilling a Friday intimation that he might “stop by” the march at some point.  more

22 Comments on Thousands fill D.C. city streets for ‘Million MAGA March’

  1. That’s not a very large crowd if those are the pictures of it.

    I doubt it is large enough to have any effect on things by attracting attention from significant people.

    Maybe more people will be showing up.

  2. Slimy mayor is obstructing turnout with wuhan flu restrictions. Should have been a 70 million man march. With Arizona being called for biden, Georgia a scam recount and Pennsyltrania refusing a recount things are not looking good. My hope lies with Sidney Powell but after her being thwarted in the Flynn case even that doesn’t look good. Everyday that goes by gives the dems time to entrench even deeper.

  3. Commentators have been saying we may lose the WH but we won in the states and congress so everything will be ok. NO IT WON’T. WE STILL HAVE TOO MANY CROOKED JUDGES. The dems are power mad and have just gotten started. WE MUST HAVE TRUMP OR AMERICA WILL NO LONGER BE A FREE COUNTRY. SEE THE UK AND EUROPE!

  4. When I saw Trump at the covid presser yesterday I thought he looked pissed. I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of a pissed off PRESIDENT Trump.

    Be of good cheer and do not underestimate President Trump – how many times have the demonrats done so? And with what result?

  5. I was there, not sure it was a million but, take heart, like everyone I talked to, and myself, said the same thing, “DAMN !!!! there’s a lot of people here”!!!!, “This is FREAKIN AWESOME!!!”. And it was, SOOOOOO freaking AWESOME!!! Proud Boys in Yuge numbers, couple of Antifa got their asses kicked, (BONUS). Not sure who dubbed it “Million MAGA March” but who cares? Got raw video but no way to post. VERY, VERY, POSITIVE ENERGY GUYS!!! This will go a long way !!! Lots of chants !! from “USA, USA,USA” to “NOT MY PEDOPHILE, NOT MY PEDOPHILE” instead of not my president, lol. “TRUMP WON, TRUMP WON, TRUMP WON” !!!!! In front of antifa we turned the tables on them, “WHO’S STREETS ? OUR STREETS”!!! We ripped them a new one. When we went by the the police, “BACK THE BLUE, BACK THE BLUE.”
    Trump is gonna WIN Y’all !!!

  6. There was a very nice representation of Trump people on a good stretch of a very busy highway today in my neck o’ the woods. I didn’t know it was happening but I waved at the back like a crazy person! lol

  7. I’m pretty sure the phrase “mobbed the streets” belongs in the first sentence of a report about AntiFa/BLM not in a report about Trump supporters

    People who traveled to D.C. to participate in the “Million MAGA March” to support PDJT and show they think, for good reasons, the election was corrupt and an attempt to steal the election for Biden. Not to riot and loot.

    Justthenew’s Daniel Payne should know better. He’s a writer who chose that phrase for a reason. But I thank him for the clear signal that reading his stuff won’t be a priority for me in the future.

  8. Oh, and speaking of BS. I’m watching the Wis v Mich football game on ABC. During half time there is an advert for a special show this coming Friday.

    “Breonna Taylor say her name”. Apparently sayhername is some kind of hashtag being promoted.

    If I thought the show would be about facts, what really happened, it might be worth watching. But from the short advert I got the impression it will be a propaganda piece. Breonna and her guy were as sweet and innocent as week old puppies. And expect the LEOs to be portrayed as being evil, perhaps from a young age. Rather than perhaps the LEOs over reacted due to insufficient good training, and shot and killed the wrong person in the room. Maybe I am wrong about what will be the p.o.v. of the show, I am frequently wrong about stuff, but I kind of doubt it.


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