BERLIN (AP) – Tens of thousands of people celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall 35 years ago in Germany’s capital on Saturday with open-air concerts, art installations and official events commemorating one of the country’s most historic days on Nov. 9, 1989.
It was “a lucky day for which we Germans are still grateful today,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz said.
Built in 1961, the Berlin Wall stood for 28 years at the front line of the Cold War between the Americans and the Soviets. It was built by communists to cut off East Germans from the supposed ideological contamination of the West and to stem the tide of people fleeing East Germany.
It had carved a 156.4-kilometer (97.2-mile) swath through Berlin´s heart and the surrounding countryside, and through the hearts of many of its people. However, when the border was opened 35 years ago, it took less than a year until the country´s reunification on Oct. 3, 1990. more
And we too should be celebrating the fall of the Administrative State.
Or, as the Western Berliners called it..”The Great Trabbi Migration”
in regards to all of the sh*tty East German Trabants that rolled into the City.!&&p=1d88d8dd83eda099dcbb504dbb51f0049020a44055a578f5d475a366fc4a13b5JmltdHM9MTczMTI4MzIwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=0ecaa4c6-a051-6370-1a07-b017a1d76224&psq=east+german+cars+trabant&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvVHJhYmFudA&ntb=1
Disregard that link…I futzed it up.
I visited Berlin, West and East, in 1983.
I was 21 years old. I learned on that trip that America was the best country ever!
I’m trying to celebrate this and DT making headway in our government (fingers crossed).
Then I read about FEMA setting up a staging area in my state, Oscoda County, and I wonder what fresh f*ckery the government is going to pull.
I thought they only set staging areas, if some emergency has happened or is expected to happen.
Are they planning on making something happen?
I read this morning they now exist in all 50 states. If you don’t have your name in the Book of Life yet… it might be the time. I’ve read the end of the book and the Good Guys win!!!
^^^^ that was to MissinMi re the FEMA camps
Years ago my German neighbor gave me a piece of it with multi color paint on it. I have a pix of him giving it to me. Way cool.
Agatha Kakalogical, I went there around the same time as you were there; maybe 1984. I had the same reaction and more appreciation than I already had for our country. It was kind of shocking to see the reality of it was crosses on the fence commenorating East Germans killed trying to climb the fence to freedom.
We also took a train to Leningrad from Helsinki on a separate trip. They stopped the train before the border of the Soviet Union, made passengers get out of their compartments and, one by one, called each of us back in, opened our luggage, searched and questioned us. It was a real learning experience for me.
I cannot fathom how anyone could want anything but freedom.
Was never a Bowie fan, but always like “Heroes” and the personal story of why he wrote it.
Why are Germans permitting what is happening in their country today?
Conservative Cowgirl – What sticks in my mind is the armed guard towers on the East side. One member of our group pointed them out to me while we were on an observation tower on the West side, looking over the Berlin Wall into the East. He said to me “they WILL shoot”. I believed him.