Thousands of $20 bills flew across eight lanes of traffic in Indianapolis – IOTW Report

Thousands of $20 bills flew across eight lanes of traffic in Indianapolis

Breaking 911:  $600,000 Flies Out of Armored Truck and Onto Highway.

Thousands of $20 bills flew across eight lanes of traffic in Indianapolis after they fell off a Brinks armored truck when the rear door flew open Wednesday.

A highway camera shows traffic on I-70 in Indianapolis at a complete standstill as an estimated $600,000 in cash littered the highway. Jasmine Cooper was driving her grandmother to the airport when she saw the cash flying all over the place. “I was in shock at first, I’ve never seen anything like this,” she told Inside Edition.  watch

11 Comments on Thousands of $20 bills flew across eight lanes of traffic in Indianapolis

  1. This seems to happen quite frequently.
    Just saying.
    My Bank demands DNA samples to take out $20 in person.
    ‘armored car drops cash’ – About 601,000 results

  2. yet not one person got out their vehicles before, during, or after the “standstill” to help themselves to some free 20’s?

    I find it hard to believe that nobody took advantage, in fact I find it more believable that Hillary Clinton is a good person!

  3. @jellybean May 7, 2018 at 1:02 am – “Fear not, I’m sure all those $20’s will be returned to the rightful owner…..or not.”

    The radio news said it was all recovered. Riiiiiight.

    @cslamer May 7, 2018 at 5:48 am – “yet not one person got out their vehicles before, during, or after the “standstill” to help themselves to some free 20’s?

    I find it hard to believe that nobody took advantage, in fact I find it more believable that Hillary Clinton is a good person!”

    The entire interstate was shut down both directions because people stopped their cars in the middle of the road to ‘help’ recover the cash. State Police reminded people that keeping any of the money was theft.

    I was on a work crew once when a roach coach was hit by a train and scattered thousands of coins for a quarter mile. A lot was collected, but we went back afterwards and each of 4 people found at least $100 in loose change. There’s no way all those $20’s were found – I’m sure lots of people went back there after the authorities left.


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