Gov’t Workers & White House Staffers Exposed In Adultery Site Hack – IOTW Report

Gov’t Workers & White House Staffers Exposed In Adultery Site Hack


Thousands of cheating spouses working in the highest quarters of the U.S. government have been identified today in a major global hack of adultery dating site Ashley Madison. MORE

11 Comments on Gov’t Workers & White House Staffers Exposed In Adultery Site Hack

  1. I don’t know what’s up with this post – there are about thirty lines to the left under it on the front page in blue stating “special:” in dark blue text (no hyper-link).

    Otherwise, it’s a hoot that the MBM chooses to focus on Duggar or that guy from Subways than the thousands of .gov workers.

  2. While I find the whole thing funny in a way. The larger picture is now we have a bunch of moralist hackers. “Do what we consider the right thing or we dump everything about you on the net”.

    “It’s really for your own good.”

    Which is what my father used to say while he was beating the hell out of mom and I.

    I’ve gotten to the point that I hate these jackwagons more than SJW’s, BLM, and the FSA….

  3. I read enough to not care.
    If there were a “bunch of moralist hackers” responsible, headlines asserting that would be in every news release.
    Didn’t read each article in it’s entirety, enough to know your assertions are unfounded.
    If I am wrong, please supply something from a responsible journal that backs up what you say.
    What I did discern is that a LOT of government workers are using taxpayer funded sites to troll for sex/infidelity.
    If this doesn’t bother you JC, you’re part of the problem, eh?

  4. Actually, I think it’s just the irony of exposing a bunch of do gooders showing what hypocrites they are. While people are causing American citizens a lot of grief (like Lois Lerner), put some misery into their life. I like the “get even” mentality of these hackers. This irony journey is fun to watch.

  5. Of course, they would be on there. They have plenty of time to not only sign up for the site but to even do some cheating during work hours. They, government drones, only do legitimate type work about 3-4 hours a day. We now have, in many cases, 2-3 workers for every federal job!

  6. You can find worse things that government employees are doing on our dime. Look no farther than the IRS. Look up what California is doing with eminent domain. The stealing of bank accounts when you inadvertently violate the structured deposit rules. The list goes on.

    They call themselves the Impact Team and seem to have formed solely to carry out the attack on the infidelity website. There is no evidence of the group stealing data elsewhere before it announced itself with the Ashley Madison attack on 15 July.

    Took about 10 seconds to find…

    A group of hackers named Impact Team took responsibility for the breach last month and threatened to release names, passwords and financial transactions of Ashley Madison’s members if Avid Life Media did not immediately shut the site down.

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