Thousands of Pro-Life Marchers Pack San Francisco for 15th Annual ‘Walk for Life’ – IOTW Report

Thousands of Pro-Life Marchers Pack San Francisco for 15th Annual ‘Walk for Life’

Breitbart: Tens of thousands of pro-life marchers packed the streets of downtown San Francisco on Saturday to partake in the 15th annual Walk for Life on the West Coast against abortion.

The sea of demonstrators carried signs with phrases such as “Abortion is Murder,” “I Am the Pro-Life Generation,” and “Protect the Innocent” as they made the journey down San Francisco’s Market Street to protest the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal in all 50 states. more here

19 Comments on Thousands of Pro-Life Marchers Pack San Francisco for 15th Annual ‘Walk for Life’

  1. …Sorry, I need to call “phrasing” on “pack San Francisco”. There’s no way to have those two words in the same sentence that it won’t be seen as a more “typical” San Fran story at a glance, with most casual headline readers giving a little shudder and moving on to something less potentially gross immediately…

  2. Pro-murder protesters oppose these Christian “fascists”.
    “Fascists – a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and race above the individual.

    It is obvious the anti-life protestors are using false labels to denigrate individuals who exalt the “individual” above the political philosophy of murdering the unborn. Calling your opponents what you are is a common practice of the left.

  3. Roe vs Wade decision is not in agreement…
    With the freedoms of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness set forth in the Declaration of Independence,
    None of the Foundation Documents is pro choice,
    The Supremes blew this one out their tail pipes!

  4. Nah, Cato. Fascist is the correct word. It is the imposition of rules, beliefs, etc. upon all the population by the state. That’s what forced birthers want to do: remove individual choice using the crushing power of the state.
    ….Lady in Red

  5. I know, I know, Tony! And if you were in India, they might “off” you for harming a cow…. ….a sacred cow! Beliefs depend on where you are, the particular brain-washing you’ve been successfully subjected to.

    Fetuses are pre-human beings, a part of the mother, like a tumor, only different.

    You may “believe” aborting one is murder; others don’t. That you wish, not to convince, cajole others into your beliefs, but, rather, to insist abortion is murder, you are a fascist. Yep.

    It’s not pretty, but I’m sure you are a nice fascist. …..Lady in Red

  6. LIR….not like a tumor, different for sure.

    A fetus’ dependency on the mother does not justify murder. Abortion is murder. If we are brainwashed, we are brainwashed by a Christian belief, not by fascism, which made it legal to kill groups of people the state did not want to live….hmmmmmm, that sounds like abortion to me.

  7. Tim….. Fascism is coercing individual, thinking people to conform to your ideas about murder, potentially many things. If you lived elsewhere in the world, were brainwashed by a different ideology, you would think differently.

    You believe you are right, because you grew up in “the Christian fishbowl.” Do you suspect, for a moment, Muslims, willing to die to impose their belief system, having been brought up in a different “fishbowl” are not sincere in their fascist beliefs.

    I’m sure you are a nice fascist, but don’t deny what you are. Really, you don’t have any wiggle room: you are a fascist, just as is a Muslim terrorist.
    ….Lady in Red

  8. @LIR

    I completely deny being a fascist – at least the NAZI version. Part of fascism is killing the innocent and defenseless because the state demands it. I don’t want to kill the innocent and defenseless. I want them to be saved.

    I don’t see how killing those in the womb advances freedom for anyone. Tell me, how does that work? How does 500,000 abortions a year enhance my freedom? Is it in the Amendments to the US Constitution? If not, where is there a philosophy or a doctrine that claims abortion strengthens the freedoms that are spoken of in the Constitution? And explain how defending the unborn in the womb takes away another persons freedom, and define the freedom that is removed by doing that.

  9. Tim…… There are many Christians in the United States who support abortion. Did you know that?

    A grown-up woman has a right — it is *her* freedom, not your, necessarily — to make a decision about her body. If she refuses to conform to your ideas, would you suggest imprisoning her for the term of her pregnancy, for the time she is a “non-person,” a mere oven in thrall to the “something” inside her.

    Does that not seem, to you, to be “taking away her freedom?” You want her to have no choices, no options except the fascist belief you feel should be imposed on all women, regardless. If the woman commits suicide, or dies — kills her child — suffering from postpartum depression, all that is ok with you…..? …..just her problem, not yours? ….Lady in Red

  10. The arguments against abortion have been out there for many years. It’s surprising that people still don’t get it. It’s not just the mother’s life and the mother’s freedom. It’s the life and freedom of another human being, who, yes, needs the support of the mother while it is in the womb. Needing the support of the mother while the fetus is growing in the womb is no argument to kill it. Otherwise hospital patients would be having tubes pulled out of them all the time with no questions asked.

    There are choices women can have besides murder. The other person whose voice needs to be heard is the father. Currently, that voice is given no chance to be heard.

  11. And, I assume *you* are not planning to birth any time soon, eh? Not a problem for you, just other people… ….smile…

    I agree the father needs be consulted, although I believe the stats indicate that most fathers of unplanned pregnancies bolt — and don’t pay up! (Another big problem: govt agencies needing to chase ’em around the country and the world…. …No love and no financial responsibility, either.) ….Lady in Red

    PS: Yes I support plug-pulling euthanasia also. Life is to be enjoyed, not endured. As long as you want to go on, the suffering is not too great, go for it. But, every person has the right to call it quits.

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