Thousands of refugees stranded on Macedonia border – IOTW Report

Thousands of refugees stranded on Macedonia border

illegals macedonia greece

They’re moving through Greece to Macedonia, pretty much with the green light from Greek officials.

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9 Comments on Thousands of refugees stranded on Macedonia border

  1. The biggest mistake the Western Romans ever made was allowing the Goths to cross the Danube.

    From that point to the end of the world was about 80 yrs. About the same amount of time that Constantine made universal Cat holism the state religion.

    Do we call it the Rio Bravo or the Rio Grande?

    Or the Blue Danube?

  2. I spent the summer of 2007 in Macedonia and have friends there, including Macedonian military personel. They have had many problems with Albanian muslims in the western part of the country and will not take kindly to these refugees. They are likely freaking out about this. The shit could hit the fan when these refugees hit Serbia because as we know the Serbians genuinely hate muslims and they rarely take crap from anyone. A workable plan would be to funnel them to Kosovo then quarantine them there with the majority Albanian muslims.

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