Thousands of Trucks Stranded at UK Border Because of ‘Mutant’ COVID-19 Strain – IOTW Report

Thousands of Trucks Stranded at UK Border Because of ‘Mutant’ COVID-19 Strain


More than 5,000 trucks became stranded at the French-UK border when France closed its border traffic because of the “mutant” COVID-19 variant that officials in Great Britain say spreads 70 percent faster than the original coronavirus.

Fights broke out between truckers and police after the two countries reached an agreement that would allow truckers into France if they could prove a negative coronavirus test in the last 72 hours. This set off a scramble among UK health officials who are trying to set up two testing stations — one in Ramsgate and another at a shuttered airport — where truckers have been stacked up since Monday.

It seems likely that many French truckers will be still in Great Britain over Christmas. more

10 Comments on Thousands of Trucks Stranded at UK Border Because of ‘Mutant’ COVID-19 Strain

  1. How convenient that the nearly un-provable, inescapable and very low risk virus has become the leverage of leftists everywhere.

    Damn near seems like a conspiracy to those with a functioning brain.

  2. It is the perfect scenario for the statist control freaks. They have already told us that they intend to make these restrictions permanent so the can impose the Great Reset on the unwilling.

    We are way past thinking happy thoughts and looking to 2024. Thanks, Republican Party.

  3. All of the tyrants inflicting this misery and control on people will start building walled and guarded compounds before we are done because that’s what tyrants do when the peasantry had finally had enough. At some point, there are those who will have nothing left to lose.


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