Thousands of War Veterans Being Forced To Repay Enlistment Bonuses – IOTW Report

Thousands of War Veterans Being Forced To Repay Enlistment Bonuses

DML: Thousands of veterans who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan are feeling betrayed by the very military who enticed them to re-enlist with generous, upfront bonuses.

The Pentagon has now decided that the California National Guard paid out millions in bonuses and student loan payments in error about 10 years ago, and they want the money back.   Many veterans now don’t have it, or are being forced to make monthly payments.

One veteran, Susan Haley, who served 26 years in the Army, said they she may have to sell her home to repay the bonuses.  “They’ll get their money, but I want those years back,” she said, in reference to her six-year re-enlistment.

A decade ago, the military was short on troops to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq, so the National Guard in every state started offering upfront bonuses for soldiers to re-enlist, reports the LA Times.

The bonuses were intended for soldiers in high-demand assignments, such as intelligence and civil affairs, or noncommissioned officers.  Instead, the California Guard, who has about 17,000 soldiers, were giving it out to everyone.

In 2011, several officers responsible were penalized.   The California Guard’s incentive manager, Army Master Sgt. Toni Jaffe, pleaded guilty to filing false claims of $15.2 million and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison.   Three other officers pleaded guilty to fraud, had to pay restitution, and were put on probation.

Last month, 42 auditors completed reviewing paperwork on 14,000 soldiers, and have told almost 10,000 current and retired soldiers that they must repay their bonuses – even though it was the military who was at fault.  MORE

24 Comments on Thousands of War Veterans Being Forced To Repay Enlistment Bonuses

  1. Obama/Jarrett could stop this bullshit in one second but why would they when they have their fingerprints all over it.

    I wonder if they’re going to go after the families of KIAs that got these bonuses? I wouldn’t put anything past these scumbags.

  2. I wonder how often the feds actually force welfare overpayments to be returned even if they were obtained by fraud. In this case review the cases and for those that can’t afford it either forgive or accept a token payment. Heaven help the Pentagon if any of those that re-upped for the bonus and were subsequently killed, maimed or suffered some sort of debilitating condition as a result of the extra tours.

  3. Obama has absolutely no problem (actually insisting on it) aiding and arming our enemies, paying corrupt muslim leaders world-wide and renovating muslim mosques world wide. And Hillary funded corrupt $BILLION dollar payments in Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, not to mention the pay to paly kick-backs the Clinton Foundation received.
    Yet, they’ll attack our veterans one more time.

  4. @Billy Fuster, so true!

    My boss has a student loan. Started out with a normal loan through a normal bank and when he paid extra, it went to pay down the principle.

    Then the Obama Admin took over all student loans. He has been paying on it for years and instead of using the extra money he sent in to pay down the principle, they moved the due date.

    The gov’t was sued and now when extra is paid it pays down the principle. But they never moved the due date back to the original and all that money went *poof*.

  5. ANYTHING THE KENYAN touches, also Gramma Cankles, is poisoned at the well. HOW can people support Demonrats? The leaches wanting something for nothing do, as is self-evident. The rest of the Demonratic voters? If apathy and self-delusion count, which in the end THEY WILL NOT, good luck on eternity!

  6. @Claudia; If you don’t mind my asking, how did the money go “poof”? If they moved the due date back then the monthly payments should have gone down even with the extra interest that would have been added to the overall cost because the loan was stretched out farther. At least I think it would have.

  7. In some news accounts we see this quotation from one Maj. Gen. Matthew Beevers, deputy commander of the California Guard:

    We’d be more than happy to absolve these people of their debts. We just can’t do it. We’d be breaking the law.

    General Beevers, you spineless pussy, this is one of those times when you say to yourself “The law is wrong” and you go ahead and do what’s right. If you’re ever indicted, no jury on the planet will convict you.

  8. Nothing new here. Old stuff. Move along.

    When I was in the Navy (mid 70s) they wanted to retain nuclear power trained people. If I extended my enlistment by two years I was to be paid $4k to extend my enlistment. I signed up. But the bonus was not to be paid until after I completed the previous 4 year enlistment.

    Before that date arrived the gov decided that being immoral was OK, and s super swell thing to do. They decided they could change the contract and only pay me $1k. This decision also screwed Airmen, Soldiers, and Marines who extended for other bonus amounts.

    Oh, I eventually got the rest of the money years after I was discharged – after a class action law suit was won in our favor.

    It’s a shame we can’t put government people in prison who defraud military personnel. And if they claim they’re individually innocent because the decision was made by ABCXYZ Committee. Then send the whole committee to the slammer.

  9. @scr_north, not really sure. I know the amount due each month did not go down, just the due date kept getting pushed further into the future. Maybe it has something to do with the interest being added to the amount due (the extra interest because it’s a longer loan period).

    All I know is that he said it would have been paid off by now if the original due date had stayed the same.

  10. Talk about dispicible and deplorable!

    “No doubt a lot of those enlistment bonuses were given by over eager recruiting officers who wanted to meet their goals for the month”

    One thing I guarantee; not one of those bonuses were paid out, without the stamp of approval of SEVERAL people, up through the ranks. Blaming it solely on the recruiters is disgusting!

    So, are they going after the return from those widowed and the children left without a parent?

    Talk about low life! But so freaking typical of congress and military ‘promises’. That’s why the military had to resort to CONTRACTS, because they promise the world when they need you, then want it all back when the need is OVER. Just look at the VA!

    Look at the pitiful, puny payraises the military gets for REAL hardship and duty, in contrast to that of congressional DO nothing’s, who actually work less than anywhere near full time, whine, lie, party, and vote themselves raises and perks and exempt themselves from the laws they pass for the rest of Americans!

    Gads, it is no wonder Trump, a real amateur politician, has risen. We are just so sick and tired of it all, and this type of treatment of the military is really low life. How many of the low-life congressmen have embezzled funds or fraudulently used taxpayer funds, have payed it back, or been censured, even?

    How many of the departments under the Obama government have turned up with unaccountable funds LOST, like Hillary’s State Department missing 6 BILLION dollars? Is she going to pay it back?

    I have a feeling that if government is EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE, we will find out the real reasons Medicare & Social Security are going broke. And we will DEMAND a cut in government.


  11. The heroes stepped up when the country desperately needed them. 10 years later they change the rules? How bout the gummit stop paying all those people at the Social Security office in line to get free benefits even though they have never done one damn thing to earn it? How bout all those rag heads in line who were once shooting at us?

  12. California guard gets the Green Weeny.
    I’m afraid I don’t get it….
    If the people were bribed into a 6 year re-enlistment, SERVED
    an additional 6 Yrs, (or got killed trying), then just about “ANY” court will probably rule that, “the government received
    FULL Compensation, for the money.
    Furthermore, consider how many people were KILLED or INJURED , or suffered problems with their family relationships.
    and THEN tell us that they have to pay it back??? Are they going to give back their lives????
    I think the “”pay backs”” are gonna be, the near elimination of that states guard””. NO ONE will trust the Guard
    or probably the Army itself ! !
    Then what happens when the are WILLING to pay big money for re-enlistments, and “”no one comes to play””??
    ANYONE responsible for this K….-UP, should lose their jobs, and I mean ANYONE, and any future benefits too. (like retirement checks) ? ?
    “””The age old question””” WHAT IF THEY HAD A WAR, BUT NO ONE CAME??
    I’ve GOT IT….send the current administration’s
    Civilian s out to “play….and DIE”.

  13. Hey, Comey, it is apparent that these soldiers didn’t intend to be in askance of the law
    so why don’t you use your sovereign powers to step in and absolve them!!

  14. One reason my son joined the OK NG was to get his student loans paid for. When he tried to get them to follow through, “Opps! We forgot to put THAT page into the lengthy contract you signed! Hope you enjoyed Iraq and Afghanistan, thanks alot.”.

  15. O.K. let’s just bring out the screw job by the government…
    Try “THIS” on you thankless BASTARDS…..
    “IF” these guys did NOT re-enlist for the money….
    How much does it cost to Process in and “Train” a new soldier???
    How about the “Special” training or “security” clearance for some of the technicians?
    I’d love to see the BOTTOM LINE for the costs to replace
    those soldiers….
    So, to those trying to get the money back….you probably “OWE” those troops MONEY to settle the balance of that money….So Shut the F/U and PAY UP you ‘GUTLESS WONDERS’
    A Soldier used to be RESPECTED, for his/her faithful service
    to our country (even by our Government-not anymore)!
    Today, our government has NO respect from any Country in
    the world…so just STUFF your thoughts up your A..

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