Three Biggest Lies About COVID-19 Have All Been Exposed – IOTW Report

Three Biggest Lies About COVID-19 Have All Been Exposed


Since February, the U.S. media has been pounding Americans with non-stop reporting about COVID-19 coronavirus.

Eight months later, the data shows everything the media said about the virus was false. Yet, those posing as “journalists” continue to repeat the lies from February and March as if they are facts rooted in their quest to “follow the science.”

Every one of the BIG THREE lies seems designed to promote panic and an irrational response to the actual threat.

Anyone who even suggests that maybe the governments of the world have been overreacting to a virus that kills at about the same rate as the flu has been immediately shot down as stupid and not worth listening to.

Slowly but surely, however, everything we “conspiracy theorists” said back in March about COVID has since been borne out as not a conspiracy theory at all. It was 100 percent true.

So let’s look at the three biggest lies that are still being used to spread fear of COVID-19, keeping in mind that the media used these same lies to castigate President Trump when he was released from the hospital October 5th and implored Americans in a tweet, “Don’t let COVID-19 dominate your life.”

This virus is “not like the flu,” we are scolded. It’s much scarier than the flu because:

1. COVID carries a very high, 3.4 percent, death rate [compared to a flu death rate of 0.10 percent].

This has now been debunked by none other than the United Nations World Health Organization, which the leftist globalists believe is the gold standard for information about COVID. The WHO came out with updated mortality rates this week showing that only 0.13 percent of those infected will die. That’s 26 times lower than WHO’s previously purported death rate of 3.4 percent. We already know that in the U.S. the average age of those who succumb to the virus is 78 and they have an average of 2.6 comorbidities. This 0.13 percent death rate is almost exactly the death rate for the common flu. MORE

17 Comments on Three Biggest Lies About COVID-19 Have All Been Exposed

  1. Meanwhile, back at the Bat Ranch, Uncle Xi sez:
    “It only take virus with 99% survival rate
    to convince Americans to give up their rights!”
    I’m certain that China is quite happy with deflating the American economy to the tune of Trillions. It can’t be ruled out that this will come around to bit them in their Communist ass!

  2. …Dr. Fachi was the ONE biggest lie in OUR case. Told all the EXACT SAME LIES he told about AIDS in the 80s, but THIS time the liberals could USE it so they ordered their media to give him a megaphone, and that’s how we ended up HERE…

  3. “…in the U.S. the average age of those who succumb to the virus is 78…”
    That means the median age is even higher, as one death of a 40 year-old needs half a dozen 84 year-olds to offset. In other words nearly everyone succumbing is over 80. They should be careful; the rest of us only need to be careful around them – which I am around my late-80s parents.

  4. I see what they have done to the old people, it should be criminal how many old people they’ve killed not by Covid but by being locked up without their family.

    I look at these babies being forced into a school with a mask on and yes they are forcing basically babies, pre-k and kindergarten kids.
    I was talking to some 12 year old kids the other day about school and they both said how horrible it was especially with some teachers who send you to the office if you pull your mask below your nose where you can breathe. They said they felt like they were in a prison, you stay in the same room all day, teachers come to you, even your food comes to you. You’re not allowed to talk to anyone, touch anyone, even be within 6 feet of anyone.

    Why the hell parents would force this on their children is beyond me.

    None of these evil people though will ever pay a price for what they have done.

  5. Old Racist White Woman
    “Why the hell parents would force this on their children is beyond me.”

    Because of 4 years of TDS, Because many people trust still MSM. Being locked in their homes with a constant barrage of terror for the past 7-8 months.
    Reach out and try to shake their hand and you have an answer pretty quick.
    Not long ago I hugged both my granddaughters (8&12yo) and said “Sorry you have to put up with all this.”

  6. “Three Biggest Lies About COVID-19”

    Not to be confused with the original Three Biggest Lies, which are:

    1. “The check’s in the mail.”
    2. “It’s the standard deal.”
    3. “I won’t *** in your *****.”

    (*s = censored for decency’s sake.)


  7. 42% of COVID-19 Deaths are due to Nursing and Assisted Living facilities. The democRAT governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and California were all well aware of the ramifications of their mandates and are all responsible for this! This is a significant number that should NOT be ignored or swept under the rug! Cuomo alone made Bin Laden look like a piker!!

  8. Disproving the Political agenda and Media lies is as simple as doing some basic math using

    CDC Website C-19 Figures as of 10-15-20 @ 1203hrs.

    The BIG Total Overall Since Jan. 2020 Picture:
    Claimed C-19 INFECTIONS = 7,835,007 Out of 342 Million.

    Claimed C-19 DEATHS = 215,194 Deaths Out of 342 Million.

    That puts the “claimed” Infection rate at about 2.29093% out of 342 Million.

    That puts the “claimed” death rate for Infected persons at 2.74657%.

    Which is 0.0629222% of 1% for the USA population of 342,000,000.

    This makes the overall DEATH Rate for a population of 342M of 0.013629824561403507 of 1%.

  9. ^^^ Aside from the percentages are the absolutes:
    In 2018 there were 2,839,205 total annual deaths.
    In 2019 there were 2,855,000 total annual deaths.
    So far the 2020 overall death rate is on pace to be less than 2018 or 2019!

  10. “Why would they do that”, you might ask.
    At about $150,000 a year for nursing home care, the state only needs to eliminate 7 seniors in order to save $1M.
    Multiply that by the 6000, up to possibly 8000 Covid related nursing home deaths, and you start to see the REAL reason Cuomo did what he did.
    7000 fewer seniors not requiring state sponsored long term care amounts to $1.05B.

  11. @ Cmn¢¢guy, I would buy that except the parents of these girls don’t wear masks, don’t force them to wear masks, don’t believe the virus is any worse than the flu, but think they must send them to school and go along with what the school says. One of the mother’s is a good friend of my daughter’s and also our family, I told her she should be ashamed of what she was doing and she said she couldn’t afford to send her to private school and she’s not able to homeschool. I told her to let her come stay with me and I’d home school her.


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