Three People Shot At Chicago Salvation Army, Concealed Carry Citizen Returns Fire – IOTW Report

Three People Shot At Chicago Salvation Army, Concealed Carry Citizen Returns Fire


On Friday afternoon, a shooting incident occurred at the Salvation Army Cross Generations Worship & Community Center in Blue Island, Illinois. Gunmen opened fire during a service, resulting in at least three people being wounded. The service was being held in honor of Princess Jamya Bell, 19, who was previously shot and killed in Chicago on June 3.

7 Comments on Three People Shot At Chicago Salvation Army, Concealed Carry Citizen Returns Fire

  1. More than likely retaliation – Gangs knowing where to find their enemies…

    That’s all I can come up with during a service in remembrance of someone else being shot, regardless of any ‘Princess’ status.

    Any good news lately? :/

  2. In Riverside County CA, the Salvation Army is complicit in bringing in the invaders and transporting them, via unsecured flights, around our country.
    Never will I put money in the red kettle, never will I shop at one of their thrift stores, and never will I give them any donations or money.

  3. Agatha Kakalogical MONDAY, 24 JUNE 2024, 11:00 AT 11:00 AM

    They don’t want any money from us racists also. So there’s that.

    Sadly they really stepped in it back at the end of 2021.

    Although searching about that now shows it never happened according to some sources.

  4. The old kid’s ditty comes to mind, Salvation Army, put another nickel on the drum save another drunken bum. My mom was a secretary for the Salvation Army back in the late 60’s and they were never like this then. Wokeness kills and destroys everything it touches including charity.


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