Three States Step Up to Host the Republican Convention: “Let’s be creative and figure out a way to do it” – IOTW Report

Three States Step Up to Host the Republican Convention: “Let’s be creative and figure out a way to do it”

100% Fed Up:

After North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper refused to guarantee that coronavirus restrictions wouldn’t affect the Republican National Convention, the convention has been looking for a new location.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has stepped up to offer a location in Florida for the Republican National Convention. Governor DeSantis has previously mentioned Jacksonville, Orlando, and Miami as possible locations.

During an interview with Fox News, DeSantis spoke about precautions that would be taken to host the convention:

“The shape of the epidemic is just simply going to be different, and hopefully it’s a lot better, but I think we’ll be able to make those decisions about what precautions need to be taken as you get closer. But to just rule out a convention at this stage, I think, is a mistake, so we’ve said we want to get to ‘yes’ on it, and I think we’ll be able to do it.” more here

11 Comments on Three States Step Up to Host the Republican Convention: “Let’s be creative and figure out a way to do it”

  1. Wuhan Flu is a bunch of inflated-number-bullshit, anyway, so just have a fuckin convention.

    We live in a time of shit-weasels and twat-waffles.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Tim: “We live in a time of shit-weasels and twat-waffles.”

    Indeed. And I have to remind myself every day that President Trump is the one example of America ‘worth its salt’ we have left.

    I just wish he would fire more ‘shit-weasels’ and ‘twat-waffles.’ He’s way too nice for my old blood.

  3. How about holding it on the open plains of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas? Big Republican tents! Thousands of open carry participants providing security. BBQ everywhere. Wifi audio and video over hundreds of acres. THE ultimate Trump rally.

    Call it the “Rebirth Of America!”

    Yeah, I know.

  4. Tim, you can say that again. Call out the bullshit and start a MAJOR pushback on the “experts”, msm, and other leftists who want to destroy freedom.

  5. I’ve heard that Nashville is on pace to do in 20 years what Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago took 50 years to do. Not sure if it would help or hurt Republicans to have a convention there.

  6. I turned on the TV this morning, saw the news for a moment and they were showing coronavirus case numbers in Southern CA. L.A. County numbers seemed a lot higher than Orange County (traditionally pretty Republican). Adjusting for population, L.A. has about 3 times the case count of Orange, and nearly 5 times the deaths. In fact, with about 1/4 of the state population L.A. has nearly 60% of the deaths. More blue vs. red fail for the Dems. A lot less looting there too.

  7. When Trump gets the nomination I expect trouble from the Leftists to begin and escalate throughout his entire campaign.

    So ….. if Trump wins again, particularly so if by electoral instead of popular vote counts, what would happen then and how long would it last?

    Doesn’t hurt to look ahead and be ready for things, just in case.

  8. ” L.A. County numbers seemed a lot higher than Orange County …….. ”

    Who is doing the counting and how they are doing it may be a factor here.

    It’s almost like some people seem to have a vested interest in how high the count can be made to look, or so it seems to me.

  9. They definitely have a financial incentive to up the count since the feds pay extra for Covid patients and they also have a political reason to inflate the deaths, pin the blame on Trump.


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