Thug who sucker punched non-violent black Trump supporter gets arrested – IOTW Report

Thug who sucker punched non-violent black Trump supporter gets arrested

BPR: California police officers arrested the man suspected of punching a black Trump supporter in the face during an anti-illegal immigration rally over the weekend.

Laguna Beach cops charged Richard Losey late Tuesday night with suspicion of battery assault with a hate crime enhancement for his “sucker-punch,” of R.C. Maxwell, a black conservative, reports Fox LA. His bail was posted at $50,000.

Losey allegedly punched Maxwell during an “America First” rally where people participated in a vigil to remember victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Counter-protesters who showed up to rally against the event quickly outnumbered the few dozen who came to protest illegal immigration.

Police kept the parties separate, but Maxwell went to the other side to try and talk to counter-protesters about his views when Losey came up and allegedly punched him, according to video of the incident.

“There is a problem with illegal immigration, I speak out against that, that doesn’t make me a Nazi,” Maxwell says to those gathered.  The counter-protesters told Maxwell he was a “traitor” and that people want him in chains in response to his views. Video then shows Maxwell getting a punch to the face.  more

15 Comments on Thug who sucker punched non-violent black Trump supporter gets arrested

  1. Richard Losey, What a coward. Mr. Maxwell, next time you decide to stroll take some of us with you. I really enjoyed watching Dick Loser run like a little bitch after the sucker punch. Old Dick will enjoy jail.

  2. The thug hit a person of color! Add “racial hate crime” to the charge. The look in that dude’s eye when he gets the news that he was looking at 30 days in jail to a year would be priceless.

    But we are talking CA so the thug will probably get the accommodation.

  3. dont let anything or anyone take our first amendment rights away. That is what this bunch is after. Shut down free speech and create tyranny and this is the kind of shit just drives it.

  4. Shame that chickenshit little coward did that. I give Mr. Maxwell a lot of credit for his courage and hope he wasn’t hurt too bad. They’re always outnumbered at these rallies and Maxwell has to face the additional slurs of race traitor etc from these scum.

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