Thugs Try to Rob Concealed Carrier, End Up in the Morgue – IOTW Report

Thugs Try to Rob Concealed Carrier, End Up in the Morgue

Neon Nettle: When a pack of armed thugs attempted to rob a food delivery driver, they apparently didn’t plan on ending up in the morgue.

However, the three crooks bit off more than they could chew when the man dropping off the food turned out to be a concealed carrier.

The three men — two of whom were armed — decided to try robbing the lone Second Amendment patriot on Saturday night in Philadelphia’s Mayfair section, WPVI-TV reported.

Police said they targeted the deliveryman while he was dropping off food for his family in the 3200 block of Longshore Avenue just past midnight.

After he got out of his car, the three suspects approached the delivery man, threatened him, and demanded money, the station said. more

24 Comments on Thugs Try to Rob Concealed Carrier, End Up in the Morgue

  1. vehicle.”And unbeknown to the criminals at this point, this particular “victim” happens to hold a license to carry ”

    Well thank goodness he had that paperwork already and thank goodness he didn’t cross state lines!

  2. I was REALLY impressed by the reporting on this one. They called the real victim “the victim”, they described the perps in full color, they said the victim had the right to conceal carry.

    Is the tide beginning to turn on reporting these crimes and calling criminals criminals? Let’s hope so.

    After Waukeshaw, I think black male perps are going to be hardest hit. I wept today when I learned about the eight year-old boy who died today from being intentionally hit by Brooks.

    I think all Americans who have even a shred of decency in their hearts know that there’s no justification for anyone to intentionally kill and maim people they don’t even know, no matter what kind of lame “social justice” grievance they’ve managed to latch on to. Unhinged violence against people and property by blm and those who strongly identify with it has reached its nadir.

  3. I was in PA Saturday night. I drove all the way there from Texas to reunite with four other Air Force buddies. A great time was had by all. I’m glad I did that. I just got back earlier today.

  4. Brad,
    Believe I’ve mentioned to you before no paid formal training like Thunder Ranch, but one of my wheel guns is.

    Smith & Wesson Model 325 Thunder Ranch 45ACP / Auto Rim

    Full moon clips make reloads easy when one means business and hopefully not need a reload. Thus the dago guns with one in the pipe and eleven in the mag.

    Time for bed…

  5. Many years ago,I was getting weapons instructions from my father,an ex-Marine and the most important thing according to him was,Make The First Shot Count, you may not get a second. Acquire your target and fire.

  6. How long until the welfare-receiving relatives of these three ‘fine, upstanding citizens’ complain to the local reporters about their outrage that common folk can get away with carrying a gun around on them?


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