Tibetans Chain Themselves to Olympic Rings to Protest Beijing Genocide Games – IOTW Report

Tibetans Chain Themselves to Olympic Rings to Protest Beijing Genocide Games

Breitbart: Two Tibetans chained themselves to an Olympic rings display outside the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Saturday to protest the 2022 Olympic Winter Games, Reuters reported.

“Members of the Tibetan Youth Association in Europe (TYAE) and Students for a Free Tibet held a sit-in at the IOC building in Lausanne as officials gathered for a meeting,” according to the news agency.

“The activists demanded countries withdraw from the event they have called the ‘Genocide Games,’ which they say are being used to burnish China’s reputation,” Reuters relayed.

“Two activists unfurled a banner over the entry to the building reading, ‘No Beijing 2022,’ while five students got inside the building and held a sit-in protest,” according to the report.

“By collaborating with China, the IOC is making itself an accomplice of the Chinese Communist Party’s crimes, which will be sports-washed by the Beijing Olympics,” a protester named Tenzing Dhokhar, who also serves as Campaigns Director of TYAE, told Reuters outside the IOC headquarters on December 11. more

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