Ticketmaster Working On App To Verify Concert-Goer’s Vaccine Status Before Being Allowed Entry – IOTW Report

Ticketmaster Working On App To Verify Concert-Goer’s Vaccine Status Before Being Allowed Entry

RedState: The 1984ing of America is officially in full swing.

With news of a COVID vaccine on the horizon, the nation’s largest concert ticket vendor has begun work on an app that would verify the vaccination of every potential ticket buyer and track their COVID tests before being allowed to enter a venue.

Billboard Magazine reports that the plan is still in its infancy, but hopes to use a combination of the Ticketmaster app itself, online health information companies and vaccine providers. read more

SNIP: Then we can take a page out of the Left’s playbook. Lawsuits and boycotts.

16 Comments on Ticketmaster Working On App To Verify Concert-Goer’s Vaccine Status Before Being Allowed Entry

  1. It’s been 10 years since TicketBastard got my last dollar. That outfit sucks for air. I didn’t even know they were still in business. Bad back then, worse I’m sure now.
    Much like Minneapolis, fuck em.

  2. I knew this BULLSHIT was coming our way.

    Glad I went and saw the GREAT shows that I did…when we did…

    Dire Straits at the Garden in ’87 comes to mind.

    As well as all the Bowery Ballroom concerts on Delancey St where we stood shoulder to shoulder.

    Those were the days compared to these broken daze…

  3. Pfffttt, haven’t been to a concert since Dan Fogelberg in the 80s. Last movie in a theater was the Dinesh D’Souza Hillary movie.

    Who needs Ticketmaster?

  4. I think a company that’s still named “TicketMaster“ after all the “peaceful protests” of 2020 has a challenge ahead of it much larger than vaccine tracking.

  5. Remember bow we laughed and laughed at Panama Boy and his cup of cocoa, dreaming about Obamacare? Now we are going to get some tatted fruit sipping an IPA, and dreaming of Coachella.

    I hope the covid vaccine is administered in the ass. In multiple doses, like Bill “Hell’s” Gates said.

  6. This will be expanded to virtually everything, even entering other people’s homes.

    As technology progresses the vaccine record will be done in such a manner that it is easily readable and verifiable to everyone with a reader, sort of like rfid chips are now but more obvious, such as an easily seen stamp or marking on individuals as they receive the vaccine.

    Anyone old enough to remember when virtually all adults had that little dime sized pockmarked scar marking their shoulder from the early smallpox vaccinations?

    It would have to be in a place anyone and everyone that wants to see it can see it using a verifying scanner of some kind and not normally covered by clothing, maybe a special sort of fluorescent or reactive mark on peoples hands or foreheads that would be visible only with special glasses or something and invisible the rest of the time. Something everyone will be able to use to make sure everyone around them is in compliance and call attention to anyone that doesn’t have it so they can be excluded from public activities that endanger others.

    Maybe something like that.

  7. Frankly, there isn’t a single performing act from the entertainment world these days that I’d pay to go see.
    The bullshit restrictions, in this case, don’t matter.

  8. The left ruins everything they touch.
    I hope the elites in the entertainment industry end up living like us. Oh the pain, despair and misery upon them. Having to live like normal folks.

  9. TicketBaster: Why not close up shop? You too stupid to run a business and you have no business telling people to inject a foreign substance into their body or they can’t come in. Not only that, why should I pay to watch liberals who hate our President – including you TicketBaster. I’ll wait for the headline “TicketBaster Folds.” We’re enjoying watching Faux News kill itself, TicketBaster will be just another log on the fire.


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