TikTok is Controlled By the Chinese Communist Party – Delete It. – IOTW Report

TikTok is Controlled By the Chinese Communist Party – Delete It.

National Pulse:

One of the side effects of the coronavirus pandemic has been a multitude of viral videos showing hospital nurses singing and dancing. For some, these “TikTok nurses” have brought joy in dark times, while others say that these videos are demeaning to the medical profession. Lost in the discussion, however, is the dark side of the video sharing app itself. What do we really know about TikTok?

TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to upload short videos, setting them to music or adding augmented reality flairs. It has proven extremely popular with Millennials and Generation Z.

At the time of writing, TikTok was the #2 free app in both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, trailing only Zoom – another Chinese security threat.

Tens of millions of Americans have downloaded and installed TikTok since it became available in the United States in August 2018, with millions more downloads worldwide. The app fills the void left by Vine, a short video app that was gobbled up and eventually discontinued by Twitter.

In late 2019, a class action lawsuit claimed TikTok “clandestinely… vacuumed up and transferred to servers in China vast quantities of [U.S.] private and personally-identifiable user data”. more

14 Comments on TikTok is Controlled By the Chinese Communist Party – Delete It.

  1. Is Duckduckgo safe? That’s all I use anymore for searches on the internet. I don’t trust any other search engines and refuse to use them. You’d think that they’re deliberately trying to stifle freedom of expression and free speech. which I believe is their ultimate goal in order to shut us down from any dissent against them. Once again, I hate the left and their ungodly and unconstitutional usurpation of our First Amendment rights.

  2. I am so proud when people accuse me of being STUBBORN.
    I tell them you’re only ‘stubborn’ if you’re wrong.

    Never used BookFace or uploaded selfies or wasted time with ‘social media’. Still use my 20 yr flip phone. Search my name on the internet and not 1 photo shows. And very little else, despite all that I do.

  3. Switch to minds.com where free speech is protected, your personal info is not sold and you can earn money. Most importantly Fake Book, Twizzler, etc hate them.

  4. Mr Aardvaark,
    I gave up duckduck for startpage. duck seemed to shut down to frequently to be healthy. I´d go back to duck if that problem were solved …….

    ps goggle/alphabet product are bloated, data collecting machines

  5. clandestinely… vacuumed up and transferred to servers in China vast quantities of [U.S.] private and personally-identifiable user data

    So, are they or aren’t they, forwarding all copies of American communication on to Canada, Australia, Englandistan, Newer Better Zealand, and whoever’s paid up their dues, this month? Or do those cheap Chinks expect me to pay The United States to do it to me, and then I have to do it myself?

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