TikTok ‘prankster’ arrested after videoing himself at Walmart spraying food with bug killer – IOTW Report

TikTok ‘prankster’ arrested after videoing himself at Walmart spraying food with bug killer


The subculture of social media-obsessed deviants who will stoop to any low for a like or a share has objectively spiraled out of control. For a Mesa, Arizona Walmart, this meant having to dispose of nearly $1,000 worth of food after 27-year-old Charles Smith allegedly sprayed bug killer on it for a “troll.”

Court documents detailed how the suspect was said to have uploaded a video of himself swiping a can of bug spray from the shelves of the store before dousing produce like apples, bananas and lemons with the contents.

Within minutes, the court filing asserted, the suspect had returned with a cart to remove some of the items before pushing them into a truck, as if to suggest no harm had been done.

However, the documents detailed, “It should be noted that the time between when the defendant sprayed the items to when he placed them in the cart, left plenty of time for customers to take the contaminated items and purchase them.” more here

16 Comments on TikTok ‘prankster’ arrested after videoing himself at Walmart spraying food with bug killer

  1. Until we start seeing these a..whipes getting serious jail time, this trend will continue. Charge him with attempted murder, lock his worthless … up for 20 years and see how many people want to be like him

  2. Went back and watched the videos.

    This is a sociopath who will cause harm wherever he goes. To include when he might be incarcerated.

    And he makes his living off payment for his videos tells you much about our society.

  3. …and no one at Wal-Mart noticed this.

    Someone needs to explain “Food Defense” to food retailers.


    FWIW, you really should be washing your green grocer items thoroughly before use anyway. This isnt the ONLY time it may encounter a toxin from field to face, and cooking does NOT clear all poisons. Washing would probably clear one like this, though touching it may make some sick by itself, be it customer or cashier. Cashiers do not usually wash their hands after weighing veggies.

    All that said, there are other issues. One is that adulterating ANY food is a Federal crime, in violation of the United States Code.


    Probably State laws and local laws too, all of them should be VIGOROUSLY and PUBLICALLY pursued.

    …also, the very public and freely spread nature of this crime could give some Muzzie or some other Democrat ideas, and next time it may be worse than bug spray, and may not wash off. Once you open the door to poisioning the puclic, bad things are likely to follow.

    Life in prision seems about right.

    And post his first trip to the shower.

    On Tik Tok.

  4. I sprayed for a large invasion of ants and my kitty evidently got it on her paws and licked it off. For 3 months she held on, losing motor co-ordination and finally going blind and dying. Everyday this eats at my soul.


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