Tillerson’s Failures and Haley’s successes – IOTW Report

Tillerson’s Failures and Haley’s successes

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Canada Free Press: The ouster of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was long overdue. He was not a team player in the Trump administration. To the contrary, during his tenure, Mr. Tillerson moved further and further apart from President Trump’s thinking on critical foreign policy issues. He would have done well to follow the example of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, rather than try unsuccessfully at times to undercut her.

Mr. Tillerson, for example, favored recertification of Iran’s compliance with the disastrous Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran, which President Trump vehemently opposed. Mr. Tillerson’s continued rear-guard efforts to save the Iran nuclear deal may have been the last straw. Indeed, President Trump specifically referred to this disagreement in explaining his decision to remove Mr. Tillerson. “When you look at the Iran deal, I think it’s terrible, I guess he thought it was OK,” the president said. “So we were not really thinking the same.”

Ambassador Haley has repeatedly expressed her disdain for the Iranian regime and used her platform at the UN repeatedly to hold the regime to account for its ballistic missile tests, aid to Yemen in violation of a UN Security Council arms embargo resolution, state sponsorship of terrorism, and its attempts to establish a permanent military presence inside Syria.

Mr. Tillerson was willing to give the Iranian regime the benefit of the doubt in terms of its reported compliance with the nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and soft pedal its broader pattern of bad behavior. Not so Ambassador Haley. “The undeniable fact is that the Iranian behavior is growing worse” since the nuclear accord was signed, Ambassador Haley said last December, as she displayed parts of a ballistic missile that she claimed Iran had delivered to Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. “The weapons might as well have ‘Made in Iran’ stickers on them,” Ambassador Haley said. “Its ballistic missiles and advanced weapons are turning up in war zones across the region.”  read more

6 Comments on Tillerson’s Failures and Haley’s successes

  1. I’m OK President Trump refining his advisors and cabinet members.
    Tillerson wasn’t on board for the long range plan, so he had to go.
    POTUS knows what he wants to accomplish and is adjusting the team to do that.

    That’s what I think. I hope I’m right.

    Brad – Auburn? I stopped at a shop and bought ammo one time while on my way to Auburn C.C.

  2. Nikki Haley has impressed the hell out of me for really presenting the Trump agenda, and doing so with conviction and confidence. It seems Tillerson couldn’t get himself to go there. Any changes President Trump thinks he needs to make I support him. He has a monumental job in front of him and he has to have team players that me can count on!

  3. Ms Nikki is ONLY doing what she’s told, she isn’t bright enough to be a free thinker and taking on the muzzies on her own. Remember SHE is the one who bowed down to the commie bastards that forced her to declare war on the REBEL FLAG in her own state, and the next thing you know the same commies are forcing the removal of our history!


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